
How do you get a 10 month old to understand the word "no"?

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I've been having trouble lately to get my 10 month old to stop doing things he shouldn't by saying "no". I even use a firm voice so he can tell a difference from every other time. All he does is look at me and laugh. I think he feels we're playing a game or something. I realize he's only 10 months old, so he doesn't really understand what's going on. But shouldn't he at least realize something's different by the way I'm speaking? It's not like I've only said it to him a handful of times, either. I've said it countless number of times and he reacts the same way. I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'm looking down the road and am afraid the word won't hold any meaning to him when it REALLY matters (like when he's about to touch the hot stove) What do you think? Am I expecting too much from him? What methods worked for you?




  1. Oh my goodness all of these people who say "don't slap his hand!" Yes pop his little hand gently. We both understand that we are not telling you to hurt your baby. It just reinforces your 'No" so that he knows you are serious. This is what I have always done and I have 2 beautiful obedient kids. (not perfect, but in general good kids). I began teaching my kids at about 6 months. Trust me they are not too young to understand. kids are SOOO smart.

  2. You are certainly expecting too much from him.  He does not understand yet.  You need to direct him to another place while saying "don't touch the stove - hot, ouch.  Oh look at this puzzle, let's play".  Distraction is KEY.  Do it over and over if you need to.  Only do this for the important things as you say.  If you say it for every little thing it will lose meaning.  Again, DISTRACTION IS KEY at this age.  Don't slap his hand - he is too young to understand this.

  3. I disciplined my daughter early on. It sounds bad but when she would cry while I was changing her I would raise my voice and clap my hands 3 times saying hey, hey, hey. It actually worked. When it came to her grabbing things or biting, hitting etc. I would grab one little hand and spank it. Not hard of course, but I would make her look at me while I was spanking her hand.  Tell her no, no, no, and shake my head from side to side to emphasize the no.  She's a bright, beautiful very good 3 year old now. Listens to her mommy or gets a spanking--it's still usually just a slap on the hand. Nothing major but they learn.

  4. If you let him continue what he is doing he will not connect the No to anything. Gently redirect him to another place or activity as you say the No.

  5. you may be saying it too much. if you are using "no" all the time, it will become meaningless to him. you need to only say it when you mean it, and when you do move him away from whatever he was doing wrong.

  6. After saying no either slap him on the hand or on the bottom.  If he is not getting the word no he might understand it better with a little pain afterwards.  That should let him know your not playing a game.

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