
How do you get a 2 year old to not need a binki??

by Guest56510  |  earlier

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How do you get a 2 year old to not need a binki??




  1. Tell you child that there's a fairy called Penelope, the Paci (or binki, in your case. I've always called them pacifiers) fairy. When every child turns two (or three or whatever age they are) the fairy comes and takes the childrens pacifiers to give them to little kids who need them more. Give them a pretty envelope and tell them that Penelope is going to take their pacifier and give it to other children, and when they wake up in the morning, there'll be a special surprise for them. Most likely, they'll do it, if they cry a bit, it's perfectly okay.

    Go out to your mailbox (if you don't have one, just do it in your front yard or porch) early the next morning and spread some feathers and bead out and put a huge envelope with your childs name on it. They'll be completely entranced. Put, in the envelope, some candy or a couple (cheap, this doesn't have to be expensive) toys in the envelope and tell them it's a "thank you" from Penelope.

    Painless for both parties, really sweet, and it's so much fun to watch their faces when they see the stuff in the morning.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Cut the end off it so there is no 'suction' ... tell him/her that its broken and have them put it in the garbage.

    Someone told me to try it, and it worked for my (then) two year old son.

  3. We are weaning our daughter off slowly. We took it away for daytime and she now has it just for night and naps. We used the "you are a big girl" route and she responded well to that.  

  4. we had kylie throw hers in the trash. and every time we find a stow away we just throw it out. it has been 6 months with no Binky

  5. Slowly take them away. Only use at naps and night time. It worked for me.

  6. oh gosh i thought your wrote bikini then, i was guna say dont put one on her lmao! its nearly midnight so i can get away with it *yawn* lol

  7. Let them have it at night if they want's a comfort item.  I sucked on one till i was 5 1/2 (only at night).  i gave it up myself cuz i lost my first tooth and i didnt want the tooth fairy to know that i sucked on one.  let them have it until they give it up...they will eventually.  and ppl say it makes their teeth crooked...that's not true.  my teeth stayed perfectly straight.  good luck!

  8. Ummm, throw it away and don't buy your child a new one...  

  9. well i stopped breastfeeding by rubbing fresh ginger roots over my nipples. the slightly spicy flavor made her change her mind right quick. maybe try it with the binki, but dont do it in front of her.

  10. reduce it so they only use it at bed and nap time.

    then after a month of it only while sleeping, cut the tip off.

    i feel cutting the tip off is more preferable to throwing it out, because then they see its broken and cant be used, as opposed to just all of a sudden being gone.

    with the tip cut off, she 'll say its broken, or u can explain, "uh oh! it broke!"  and either try to get them to throw it out, by saying things like "its broken, and u cant use it, do u want to throw it out and not use it anymore?"

    or she might want to hold it for a few days while she sleeps, if u want to  let her.

    if not, just explain its broken, and its very sad, but we need to throw it out,

    she'll cry for a night or two, but i think its better than it just suddenly disappearing.

    good luck!

    to replace the comfort factor of the binky during the day try to get her more attached to a favorite or new stuffed animal or doll, and explain when shes upset, "hold your new bear to make u feel better"

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