
How do you get a Driver's Permit and License?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard from my friends different things that I have to do to get a driver's permit and driver's license and I'm very confused. So if someone could help me out that would be great!

-Thanks for the answers ahead of time!




  1. you have to go to DMV (motor vehicles) get the drivers it good

    make sure you know it well

    then go take the test......

    if you pass, you sign up with a driving school and start to take drving lessons

    when you feel you are ready, you tell your instructor, or he'll probably know.

    take the road test and if you pass you get ur license. if u fail you gotta take it again.....also wen u pass the permit might have to pay a fee depending on how old you are. The younger u are the more expensive.....thats how it is in may be different where you are...

    Good Luck

  2. First you have to get a driver's permit, with this permit you should always be driving with someone with a license. Once your permit is about to expire you can take final test and get you driver license. Ask your parent to take you to your local DMV office for more info.

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