
How do you get a bird out of a warehouse?

by Guest64824  |  earlier

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I have a bird stuck in a warehouse. Besides leaving the same door that it came in open, how can I get it out?




  1. also turn lights off in building.  if you have a net, you can try and catch it to release it or chase it towards the open door.

  2. DONT SHOOT ANYTHING :(   you dont mention how high the ceilings are, and what type of bird..I get humming birds that come in to my house, I have very high vaulted ceilings, as you can imagine it's not an easy task. I get a broom, tie a towl around the bristles, ad hold it up to the lil guy..if it's too high up you may need to get a step stool or my experience, the bird gets exausted from tryin so hard to get out, and finally gives up and just steps down onto the broom..then slowly and gently walk it to the door...Viola! FREEBIRD!!!  Hope this helps?? just please Dont Shoot the poor thing :\   ~D~

  3. If it doesnt leave on its own, Air rifle. Its how they do it at stadiums!

  4. What sort of a bird? My husband had some sort of a hawk stuck in the workshop, after a few days they called some bird rescue mob.

    They put a caged dove on the floor, the hawk flew straight down to get it and they netted it.

    But most of the birds that get into the workshop they just shoot :(

  5. put a bird feeder near the door and let it fly out on its own

    does it bother you that much

    but why does it have to leave?

    only shoot if the bird is sufffering

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