
How do you get a bloodstain off a carseat?

by Guest67052  |  earlier

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i tried stain remover.. didn't work!

i really need to get this off!




  1. Pour gasoline on it and scrub with a rag. It should work.

  2. use cold water to rub the stain out. then pour some clorox bleach for colored clothes on the stain. let it sit. use and old tooth brush to scrub it out. its also best to treat blood stain when they are fresh.

  3. certified technicians specialize in deep cleaning your carpets and rugs, leaving them looking great and germ free. Free Pick Up and Delivery of area rugs is available upon request. Cleaning of your area rugs can be done in our specialized facility, at your home or in your office.

  4. If none of the other things work for you, call a medical supply store and ask if they have a product hospitals use for removing blood.

  5. Hydrogen peroxide dissolves blood. I would try it on a small section of the fabric then dab it out. It will bubble up when you put the peroxide on let it soak a bit then scrub well.  Rinse well with water.  Depending on how bad the stain is it may change the color of the car seat a bit.  Learned the use of hydrogen peroxide after years of working as a paramedic.

  6. what have you done in your car dude, and is it the police you need to hide this from :-)

  7. Is it fabric?  Try OxiClean mixed with some water, let it set for a little while.  If you have a wet vac, vacuum it up and keep repeating process.  Use COLD water, not hot.

  8. Ok here is what I would do, Get an old white rag Pour Lemon juice on the seat and on the rag, Put the rag against the stain and let it soak over night and then blot it up the use plain old water to clean the lemon juice . If it doesnt work first time try again but let it soak longer and keep it wet with lemon juice until stain has come out do not let the lemon jucice dry. works great at removing ink from car seats also. Good luck.

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