
How do you get a building or apartment condemned for mold?

by  |  earlier

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There is some serious mold in our apartment due to water damage and the management seems to not care. All they have tried to do is spray killz and paint over all the affected areas. We hired a certified mold inspector to give an inspection and take samples. How do we get this place condemned?




  1. You can call the Health Department and report the building and management.  Consider your residency and relationship with the management before you do this.  They won't be happy with you.  Of course, you want to do the right thing, but you need to consider the consequences and decide if you can live with them.  Places have been condemned for mold.  It's not as extreme as you may think.

  2. Your city or county will have an office dealing with housing and property inspections. Call them.

    Meanwhile, make sure you have another place to live.

  3. ask a remediation firm what they charge; if you can afford it,

    pay it and take it out of your rent payments; it's legal.

    if the mold cannot be remediated, the bldg can be blocked off,


  4. I doubt that mold...even in a extreme state...will get the place condemned.

  5. Try calling the Health Department, send your manager written letters in regards and keep copies of them...maybe even send them fedex to make him sign for it so you know he recieved it. Take pictures of the mold too. Make sure it is no fault of yours, then maybe try small claims court.

  6. When you get the report back, all both code enforcement as well as the health department.

    However, you need to be prepared.

    Understand NOW that if they find toxic black mold, you will be required to not only vacate the property immediately, but may have to leave behind your belongings...b/c they will be considered a public health hazard and the city/state may not allow for you to move them.

  7. Dont listen to those telling you that mold is not a serious health issue or "not that extreme".

    The facts are Toxic Mold can cause brain damage and lung damage and if your lucky death. Its no joke!!

    Once you have the positive results for toxic mold and have identified the species of mold to be toxic, you can mail the results to the owners of the buidling and the local health department with a warning that if any more people get sick there will be serious consequences for them after being informed of the mold issues. Make sure they are certified letters with a notary public and signed for when delivered.  Take some antifungal meds if your sick. Dont let anyone else get sick!

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