
How do you get a cat and a rat to be friends??

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i want my new two rats to be friends with my wild cat that we took in quite a long time ago, is this possible? i know people can get their rats and cats friends but how?

thanks in advance





  1. It would be extremely difficult with an older cat, but it may, just, be possible.  I'd be reluctant to try it myself.

    It would have been ideal if you were introducing a young kitten to juvenile  rats, since they'd grow up together.  However, an older cat will have developed it's predator instinct, and that will  be hard to over-ride.

    I'd be inclined to keep them apart, and enjoy them separately.

  2. you obviously don't know anything about the food chain hun!!

  3. No, it's not possible and it's dangerous. It's also completely unnecessary. Just keep your rats safely away from your cat, they do not need to meet or "be friends".

  4. Not natures way. Cats already like rats, but not in the way that you would appreciate. It's quite a daft thing to try, sorry, I hope you don't mind me saying. Nature has it arrange that rats are sport or food for cats, especially wild cats. Trying it may mean that you take a chance on sacrificing you rats. I would not try it. But then I'm not you. Don't mix the two, it's not the way nature intended. Take care. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

  5. if it was a wild cat i dont think its even worth trying.. how many rats do you think she came across in the big big wild world... i dont think its poss. and i dont think its even worth the risk.. it depends on the temperment of the cat. but once wild always a bit wild. thay might play nice when your watching but once your back is turned i wouldnt want to think what could and probs would happen...

  6. In order to be friends at all, they must be raised together.  There is no possibility that your situations with a wild cat will work.

  7. What a completely retarded idea

    rehome the rats right away...and the cat you are obviously not in a mentally stable position to be keeping pets

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