
How do you get a cat to freak out?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I'm REALLY BORED, and so is my kitten, out of the 2 cats and 4 kittens that are all asleep...besides the crazy one, Teddy.

He's just running around doing nothing and I wanna know how to freak him out just for the fun of it, because he never gets mad at me for freaking him out - he knows I'm just playing with him.

No, we don't have anything that vibrates, I've tried tape, plastic bags, putting him IN a plastic bags, all the toys are pretty boring to him right now, tried playing around with him by tickling him and he just like lays limp and waits until I'm done like I'm petting him or something.

I'm not going to go to the store and buy MORE cat toys or anything, but seriously, what are common or uncommon ways to freak a cat out?

Yes we have paper, change, magnets...which is a good idea...I'll try that as soon as I'm done typing this...and yes we have yarn, toys, etc, just...I don't think attaching a toy to a string would appease his bored-ness.

As for a little bit of help, he thinks he's invincible, and he's afraid of vacuums...and we have a Wii, but the Wii remote batteries are dead...we also have a PS2, so yeah.

Any ideas to play/freak him out?




  1. lazer pointers i find are the BEST cat toys, and they're inexpensive. its hilarious how they chase it, too! just be careful not to get it into their eyes. i have 4 cats and they all love it. one goes crazy just hearing the lazers keychain jingle!! catnip is really good too.

  2. This is a shot in the dark since I've never owned a cat before and it depends on what you mean by "freak out" but I would assume picking them up, walking to the bathroom and saying bath time might freak them out.

  3. Put a penny in an empty soda can then shake it near him

    and he will get scared worked on my kitten

    now when she sees the can she runs and hides

  4. Don't let the cat near a plastic bag. Then he'll think that plastic bags aren't bad for him, and suffocation as well as some cats will ingest them...However paper bags are fine. My cat's like to play in paper bags, and we used to cut a tiny hole in the bottom, and then put our finger through it when they were hiding in the bag, and wiggle it, and it was always extremely funny to watch them turn around and maul the bag trying to get your finger because they don't recognize it's a finger when they're really young or they just don't care. It's a game they never got tired of. I also agree with the laser pointer comment... if they will pay attention to it, they will love it.  

  5. what really scares my cat is...

    say hes in one room and you get on the floor and turn a corner really slowly untill your completely out of his view.

    then when he comes usually they start running because they start to wonder what happend to you  if you pop out at him..

    thats what i always do with my kitty

    when that happens his back archs and he sort of starts jumping around in circles.. his eyes get big its really really cute and funny.

    i do it a lot my cat gets freaked out about everything.

  6. If he doesn't want to play,leave him alone!

  7. Run up to him real fast, pull his tail, (Accidentally) lightly step on its tail, throw a blanket on him, pick him up and lightly toss him on the bed,

    Hope I helped

  8. You really shouldn't ever let a cat play in a plastic bag-they could really get hurt-My cat tries to eat them!  I have three cats, and they LOVE the laser pointer!  They freak out so bad when they see it in my hand, before I even turn it on, they're looking for it! and jumping at the wall!  Have fun..........................

  9. I think I got a little nervous about answering your question when you said you put your cat in a plastic bag.  "Freaking" a cat out can have negative connotations to some of us "old folks".  Especially those of us who have rescued cats from owners who have literally "freaked" their cat out and it was harmful to the cat in the end.

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