
How do you get a checkmate in 3 moves?

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Please tell me actual peices and not numbers.




  1. It's called Fools Mate. White can do it 3 turns, Black can do it in 2 turns.

    White to win:

    1. white kings pawn forward 2, black kings bishops pawn forward 1

    2. white any pawn on the queens side doesn't matter (just have to wait for black to move another pawn), black kings knight pawn forward 2

    3. white queen moves forward diagnolly to the white square in the kings rook column.

    Black to win: Pretty much the same, except reversed moves

    1. white kings bishop pawn forward 1, black kings pawn forward 2

    2. white kings knight pawn forward 2, black queen moves forward diagonally to the black square in the kings rook column.

    Easier to explain using notations, hope all that makes sense.

  2. play a dumbass

  3. Here is the Scholar's Mate in 2 moves:

    1. f2-f4........e7-e6

    2. g2-g4......Qh8-h4  Checkmate


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