
How do you get a child (8) to sleep at night ?

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He is so wound up from the day he has trouble going to sleep, he can lay in the dark for hours and not go to sleep. He get's up at about 7:00 in the morning and has trouble getting to sleep by 10:30 or later. He has ADHD and this does not help, even with his medications for this condition. Any suggestions would be welcome.




  1. Diet is the key. You should read up on the proper diet for a child with ADHD. You will be amazed at the outcome!

  2. Perhaps you are already doing this but what about a set bedtime routine where everything is done strictly at the same time, ie: homework at 5.30pm, dinner at 6pm, tv time at 7pm, bath or shower at 8pm, then into bed by 8.30pm.  Let him read to himself or you read to him and then lights out with no getting up excuses.  

    You could also start to get him up earlier say at 6am, which will be hard at first no doubt as he will be tired, but the earlier to rise will hopefully encourage and early to sleep.  Also, try and incorporate some exercise in his day, a long walk or a swim.  Good luck.

  3. I`ll give mine a benadryl-check weight-dosage. There is an herb /supplement Meletolin (spelled wrong sorry) goggle it. A lot of people give there ADHD kids this.benadryl`s always good for me, but it`s for occasional use.

  4. my 8 yr old has adhd and we have sleep issues. i found that he has to take his med early in the am or he can't sleep.

    my son rarely goes to sleep earlier then 9-930 and he is always the first one awake

  5. give him or her milk after bed

  6. Read up on proper diet for kids with ADHD, it helps a lot.  Also mention this to his doctor, perhaps his meds need adjusting.

  7. gee lets look at this situation , the kid is on ritalin which is speed and cant sleep ..nope I have no ideas

  8. It may be the ADHD meds that have that effect on him.

  9. the medication can actually stop him sleeping. Have a talk to his doctor about this side effect, it may just be a matter of changing his meds. Also a warm bath may help and quiet time before bed. Look at some natural drops to aid in sleeping. There are Bach remedies which make a sleep one that is quite safe. Just google them

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