
How do you get a familar?

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How do you get a familar?




  1. get a cat and get close

  2. Go to the animal shelter. You will KNOW which one to adopt.

  3. Read Patricia G's reply.  Not once, not twice, read it until you understand it.  Nothing more needs to be said.

  4. a used one?

  5. Well it is said in Irish Lore, that a witch's familiar is always close, whether you are aware of it or not. I came in contact with my familiar by diving for her, I mixed spring water, rosmary and nettle together with some ginger and dipped a scrying crystal into the mix and scryed over a map of my local village then town, and the spot I kept geting was right over the field in front of my house, and two day's later a young kitten apeared in the garden and she has been with me ever since.

  6. what do you mean?

  7. I find it funny that a lot of people make fun of things they don't understand.  I also find it funny that bible thumpers have to find their way into everyone's business and try to convert them...

    Familiar... you'll know it when you see, and feel it.  Good luck.

  8. I've  had good luck at the alternative humane society.  Of course they seem to find me, thats the good part of living on a farm,  people keep dumping cats off here.

  9. i don't know unles u mean a familiar which is what a witch chooses like a cat or something

  10. a familiar will find you. it is most commonly a cat. Go to the spca.....see if one seems to know you....... when you find him/her sit with her every night from new moon till full moon quietly, just getting to know each other. this will form a permanent bond.

  11. A familiar what?

  12. look up seances you can sometimes summon spirits into your house that don't leave.  but sometiems you get evil spirirts you can generally telll the nice ones from the evil ones by how cold it gets when you run into the spirit.

  13. well like so many other people have said,go to an animal shelter and you will know which one is right for you.a familiar is different than a pet in the sense it should be treated with respect,well every animal should be treated with respect,but this one is there to help you.also familiars don't necessarily have to be physical they could be spiritual,i have a really good book on them ,sorry i cant remember the title...

  14. i asume you mean puzzle pirates right?

    check here

  15. From Google..for those who don't know what a familiar spirit is:

    familiar spirits

    Question: "What are familiar spirits?"

    Answer: The word "familiar" is from the Latin familiaris, meaning a "household servant," and is intended to express

    the idea that sorcerers had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Those attempting to contact the dead, even to this day, usually have some sort of spirit guide who communicates with them. These are familiar spirits.

    EDIT. FYI...This is not really "familiar spirits" but I was just thinking of this today. A psychic told me a long time ago that if you see anyone and they remind you of someone else...(seem familiar.) looks or in the way they act etc...then they probably ARE like that other person and if the other person was evil..then stay away from this one too. I didn't think much about this...but hindsight has proved what she said was right. At the time  I couldn't think who they reminded me of...but later I realized who it was. (but by that time it was too late)

    EDIT...I agree with Patricia G. (even if it gets me thumbs down.)

  16. I always buy mine second-hand.

  17. Just use your imagination and pretend you have one. That is the best way.

    Its all just silly make believe games afterall.

  18. You gots to get marred.  In a church or J.P. Then, just fool around a lot. Soon you'll have a familar.

  19. You must summon one.

  20. A what?

  21. try meditation.

  22. familar isnt a word

    if you mean familiar then your a stupid **** cause its not a noun

  23. Go to the animal shelter,

    There you will find animals that somehow didn't connect with their former owners.... They are strong willed.

    See if you connect with any of them.

    It may take many visits.

    Don't just pick some critter cause you feel sorry for them.

    You can find the right one if you persist.

  24. im not sure what your question really means but i think you have some good answers here already.....

  25. Dear raven, you are scaring me. You've asked about djinn, familiars, spellcasting...this is all very spiritually -dangerous territory. Whether, it's familiars, djinns, spirit guides, or poltergeists, it is all demonically-inspired and under satan's authority as God teaches us in the Bible. And as any demonologist worth their salt will tell you, you have a better chance of survival lying down before a lion then you will playing on the devil's playground. As a matter of fact, the bible states that satan goes about this earth like a hungry lion seeking whom he may devour. (Sorry, i can't recall the scripture; i have to look it up.)

    I must be honest with you and tell you that as a teenager i was involved in witchcraft, fortune-telling, seances, and astrology. Even though my involvement was of the most superficial variety, it brought a series of very unfortunate events into my life, including serious physical and emotional illness. Thankfully, i was a christian and i survived, but i lost a lot and i learned just how greatly i had underestimated the devil.

    To answer your question specifically, in our everyday vernacular, a familiar is an attendent of a witch, such as a black cat. In reality, what a familiar really is is a low-level demon. Once you summon a familiar into your life only spiritual conversion and an exorcism can get him out. In the meantime, as the scriptures teach us, he will invite seven, even more evil demons in. These demons can and will bring untold strife, illness, heartache, and torture.

    Please don't go there.

  26. You don't, one finds you. Some animals are much more perceptive  and intelligent than others. You can see it in their eyes, they way they smile, the whole personality. So one day they run across, by fate or luck, someone special who can appreciate them for what they are. This don't mean they will tech you spells but their presence can help, making the caster that much more relaxed, grounded , centered. To get ones attention to want to be yours keep your senses open and follow instinct. You will know.

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