
How do you get a five year old to stop whining and misbehaving?

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How do you get a five year old to stop whining and misbehaving?




  1. To stop the whining, just ignore him.  Once he realizes he is not going to get his way, he should stop...eventually.  To stop the misbehaving, create some positive reinforcement for him.  For example, if he behaves well, he could get a star on a chart, or some of the other suggestions above, and when he gets so many stars, he gets a prize or treat, or whatever you want to give him.

  2. If you spank they will stop!

  3. they usually whine and misbehave to get attention or something they want. They usually stop when they get what they want or figure out that they are not going to get what they want.

    When they whine make sure they know that you will not deal with them until their behavior is better, more grownup. It may take a short while but they will stop as soon as they know they are not going to get what they want by doing it.

  4. My grandmother would ignore us when we whined or acted "ugly" as she called it. If we tried to talk to her in a whiny voice she would not look at us or talk to us other than to say she didn't talk to children who acted so ugly or made faces that hurt her to look at them. When we decided to act right & talk to her like a person then she would discuss what had just happened & what needed to be done to resolve it so it wouldn't happen again. She never raised her voice to us but could talk to u in a quiet tone that made u want to crawl in a hole & pull the dirt in behind u.

  5. We use marbles and a jar.  When our 4 year old son or 6 year old daughter whines or misbehaves they lose a marble from the jar.  When they have a good day without whining etc. or if they do something helpful or nice throughout the day they get a marble.  When the jar is full they get to pick a toy or game or etc..  Anyway, it has helped us a lot with discipline.  They go out of their way to try and get marbles.

  6. Stop giving him what he wants when he whines.  Don't give the whining attention.  When he misbehaves put him in time out.

  7. I would pay as little attention to them as possible when they whine. Or say "I'm not speaking to you until you talk to me like a grown up."

    Misbehaving...I'm not opposed to swatting or spanking depending on the age. But, I'd try time out - a good, secluded, unmoving time out

  8. I think all children whine and misbehave at some point.

    Perhaps you could try introducing a star chart of some sort. If he/she does particular things that you'd like to stop you can list them on the chart and every time your child does something good and doesn't misbehave then you can add a star. You can make your own or I think you can even buy them nowadays but try and get the sticky stars so if your little one does something bad you can just as easily remove a star. That usually works. At the end of each week, if they get a certain number of stars then you can reward them with a small inexpensive treat.

    This worked wonders with my son, he's nearly 8 now and doesn't whine quite as much but I think it's inbuilt in some kids to grate on their parents ears. He was actually quite upset when we stopped doing the star chart thing, it definitely had the desired effect.

    Remember though, there's no such thing as a perfect parent, or child for that matter, good luck xx

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