
How do you get a friend to stop smoking?

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I've tried telling her the side-affects or why she shouldn't smoke but she just has it set in her head that it's not true.




  1. I'm sure she knows it is bad for her. but smoking is a very difficult addiction to break. If she lives around other people who smokes it is even harder.

  2. Be there for her.. you dont have to be ok with it, but dont give up on her either...

  3. Tell her to stop drop & roll.

  4. Motivate and encourage her to smoke 3 may be 4 cigarettes at a time. Let her chain smoke. In couple of days smoking habit will disappear. Try it  

  5. unfortunately you cant if you somehow do it, tell me how to make a sister stop smokin  =\ OR: you could break all her cigarettes or put neddles in them so they dont light.

  6. Then there's nothing you can do. Time to move on.

  7. you can't make anyone do what they don't want to do.  she knows the dangers of smoking and nagging her about it won't make a difference.

    as with anything she won't stop until she wants to stop.

  8. At the end of the day there is nothing you can do other than advise her and tell her the dangers. She may listen she might not. Don't let it bother you to much its not your problem if she doesn't want to quit then let her carry on  

  9. ultimately its like any addiction

    for whatever reason they like the effect

    when they decide to quit for whatever reason then they will

    you cannot do much more than be patient and supportive

                    take care

  10. hi unless they want  to give up you wont be able to make them

  11. hang out with her so she doesn't have time to think about smoking.

    have some of her friends that want her to stop smoking and know wht smoking can do to u and them make a club called stop smoking or something. u take turn hang out with the girl who smokes makes sure u get away from where she can smoke.( like at a friends house or a restaurant, and so on).

    talk to a teacher on a consular at school.(they will help u trust me).  

    here a real good fact about smoking ever smoke u take u lose .5 seconds of ur live away. that a lot if she does that for the rest of her life.

    does her parents, grandparents, or her legal guarding know she smoking?

    make a bet that she can't smoke for a week and she gets $ if she does it. if she can make it a week with out smoking then she can quit smoking.

    go on goolge and find a picture of a smoker lungs from a healthy lung its nasty

    hope this help

    smoking will kill u if u do it for a long time.

  12. You cant make someone stop smoking. You can get them not to do it infront of you, but no one is going to quit unless THEY want too. Just keep telling her the side effects, keep telling her your worried about her, thats about all you can do.

  13. just leave her be, smokers are fully aware of the health risks, if they cared they wouldn't smoke, if people want to smoke then let them and if people don't then don't make them

  14. To be honest you can not make someone stop. The only thing you can do is show them the facts on paper or in pictures.Then if they are smart they will make that choice for themselves !

  15. well tell them if u want to go ahead just say well its not going to be my fault  when u die of cancer and she will say why didn't u stop me just i did .

  16. sit um down and tell um they need to quite or it will ruin ur friendship

  17. You can be encouraging and understanding of this addiction but in the end the only one who can stop is your friend.  Be there for her and offer your support if she decides to stop.  You can refuse to breathe in second hand smoke and at least she will refrain in your company.  

  18. Your friend is not ready to hear what you have to say right now, so don't preach.  It is a waste of your breath and it will just annoy her.

    However, I have never, never met anyone who smoked for a long time who didn't reach the point they wanted to quit.  So just be ready to be her support when that day finally comes along.

    Oh, and don't breathe her second hand smoke.  Your refusal to do that will send a positive message, even though she may act like it bugs her sometimes.

  19. just keep showing how worried you are for her. "you really should stop for the baby/your coughing/I want you around a long time/ it's bad for me to be around it..." whatever excuse you can add in there. don't do it all the time, you'll get annoying and she won't listen. she knows it's bad, but she'll keep doing it. you can also start making her smoke outside when you're around or stand in the other room. do a lot of research on why second hand smoke is bad for you so you can give her reasons. she'll roll her eyes, but get the message.

    when she finally does try to quit. be there, be there, be there. have a celebration after a week. another at a month. at six months.... etc. be there when she needs someone to lean on when she gets anxious and needs a smoke.

  20. If you don't like the smoking drop the friendship. Simple.

    If you harp on the dangers of smoking that will only encourage your friend to smoke more.

    If and when she is ready to quit she will or she won't be able to.

    None of the anti smoking things work for most people. The side effects are extremely harsh.

  21. I'm sorry that your friend smokes. That's a very sad thing. But unfortunately you can't make someone do something if they don't want to. Maybe you could snike some of that gum into her purse. You know that gum that helps you not smoke.... That probably wont work lol But my dad smokes and I hate it! But we don't tell him to quit cause hes a very stubborn man! Just tell her that you wish that you could help her but you can't... She has to help her self.

  22. Good on you for being worried about your friend. Deep down she knows  that smoking is bad for her, no matter what she says to you. Denial allows smokers to justify their habit.  

    All you can do is keep trying to convince her. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

    Let her know how much you love her and the pain you will all go through if you were to lose her. Putting her through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

    If you can, try to guide her to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help to convince her.

    Don't listen to those who say stop trying. Never stop trying, if you quit then she sure as h**l won't.

    Good Luck

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