
How do you get a good set in volleyball?

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ok i have been playing volleyball for years. i am an outside and an opposite. (spiker) i rotate into the back row and i pass well with my fore arms. BUt when i go to get a set i always throw it to far or roll it to the side. any tips for how to control a set?




  1. Wow - one of the most difficult skills in volleyball. First you need to get your body into position under the ball. The best setters have a good "loaded" position whenever possible. This means feet about shoulder width or slightly more apart. Right foot in front of the left foot with hips and shoulders squared along the net. Knees should be slightly bent or coiled. Your hands should be slightly apart and above the forehead. Thumbs facing one another not point towards the ceiling. This puts tension in your forearms. Those thumbs should be about 3 inches apart. The area created by the thumbs and index fingers should create a triangle or target. If you can get into this position then the ball should come down onto your hands and only contact the area from the pads of your hands - around the knuckles - all the way up the fingers (should see a slight space between ball and palms of hands). The release is full body - unless you have no strength you should not have to jump - so you should extend from the legs through the elbows and then the wrists finishing with you thumbs now facing away and still seeing the ball between your hands. Your shoulders are your directional control - where they face the ball generally goes. They should be lined up about 2 to 3 feet off the net and straight ahead.

    That was awful difficult to describe but the fewer the movements on the action at the point of contact the fewer the mistakes at release.

  2. OK the best thing you can do to learn how to set good is to go to camp during the summer!! I am a setter and a lot of people do not see it as hard but the truth is it is!! You have to have a lot of practice before you will get it right, and a couple of the answers before me were really good like the coach's! So listen to her and practice, practice, practice!! I hope I was helpful and good luck on your sets!!

  3. I was taught to release my arms straight up, not out like  "bird's wings." Also, step into the set with your right leg and hop with it. --That's what works best for me.

    And of course keep your hands over your forehead.

    Practice practice!


  4. try to soften your hands when you pass the ball if it is slow. this gives you more control. if you have trouble softening your hands, stand a foot from a wall, and set the ball onto the wall over and over again. if the ball is a hard hit, stiffen your hand and try to contact the ball when it is right in front of your forehead. your hands should be shooting up, because if you wait for a hit with your hands ready to set the ball, you'll get hit in the stomach (or a little lower) every time. this also helps to slow the ball down and will push the ball up. it is a difficult skill to master, but always be ready to use your hands when you pass.

  5. I hate to say, just practice.  But that is what you need.

    Try to make sure you get to the spot early.  Good setters are standing in position when the ball gets there.  

    Try to get your hands in a good ready position.  A good ready position looks like a volleyball.  If you stand there with the volleyball in your hands and someone takes away the ball and you do not move your hands, that is a good ready position.  You should not be moving your hands to get to the ready position when the ball is on the way.  

    Work on your follow through.  The ball generally goes where your follow through goes.  If the set is supposed to go high and outside, your follow through should be high and long.  

    See if you can find someone to practice with.  You just need touches.

  6. Hand shape is important for getting good ball contact and good accuracy as well as avoiding double contacts and lifts. I was taught that you could could get the proper hand shape for setting by placing your hands on your hips (with the thumbs behind your body and the fingers in front). Then remove them and put them over your forehead. Do not hand set from a hand position below your forehead.

    Also, remember the 3 H's - Head, Hips, Hands. For best accuracy, these should all be in line with the ball when setting. If the set needs to be low and far in front of you, shift the hips backward. If you are back setting shift the hips forward.

    The best sets will be perpendicular to your shoulders staarting position (and feet) as that is the best strength position. Align your body prior to receiving the ball to allow yourself to set from this position. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart with your strong foot ever so slightly ahead of the other foot. If you have to set sideways, tilt your body sideways to keep the 3H's aligned.

    As mentioned, set the ball by simutaneously extending your legs AND your arms.

  7. just train with a 5 kilogram medicinal ball and you`ll be a master

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