
How do you get a guinea pig to trust you?

by  |  earlier

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I just adopted a guinea pig from a new owner, and I was wondering what i have to do to get it to trust me? Because right now, it hardly even lets me pet her!




  1. its takes tinme for them to trust you about a week or two for my guinea pigs

  2. Just slowly and gradually let him become accustomed to you and your scent. associate yourself with treats and good things and h**l associate you with it too!

  3. Dont make loud noises when holding it and make sure it sees you before you put your hand in thier cage  and don't touch them when they are eating, also tryhand feeding...dont get bit it hurts

  4. if you didn't trust someone what would you have them do?

  5. i personally think bribery is one of the easiest ways. however, it also takes time. just let ur guinea pigs know that u arent going to harm them by touching them gently and then give them treats afterward. some timid guinea pigs will not take the food from u, so just start out by putting the food near them to let them know that "u = meal time"

  6. okay try petting it everyday but when you do move you and really slowly tord her but if she wont let you then just walk away and try again tomarrow . another thing try feeding her by hand but if she wont take it try again tomarrow . And one more thing i could think of i would hold her in your hand 3 times a week and just sit there and pet her jetaly .

  7. dont make really loud noises make sure she knows ur there when u try to hold her hold her often let her roam around in a room every day

  8. Any thing with the guinea pig takes time. They are smart and they will realize that you are safe but you have to be patient. Anything new you try to do with them, give them 2-3 weeks to catch on.

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