
How do you get a guy to break up with you?

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or *sigh* the harder way, how do you break up with a guy? What if the guy likes you ALOT more than you like him. and what if hes really sensitive (in fact its his first real relationship) plus he doesnt have a mom (RIP) to give him advice. =/ I have never done a sit done lets talk type break up before (most of my relationships just fall apart) how do you do it? im serious. I need advice




  1. well you could just say you know i really like you alot and i know you need me more than i need you so i think it would be better if we break up. And maybe if you cant handle that talk to your mom or your school counselor. also after you break up with him( cuz he is NOT gonna break up with you) try to hook him up with another girl.

  2. Unfortunately sometimes these things have to happen.  It is no good staying in a relationship that you know isn't going to work.  Despite the fact that he probably will cry, or at least be upset, you need to have that sit-down with him.  Explain to him how you are feeling, and allow him to respond.  If things get out of hand (like he starts acting obsessive) quickly cut it off.  If not, you will know that you showed him respect by talking with him face-to-face...and let him know that you aren't exactly enthralled with the decision yourself, but feel it is best for the both of you.  In the long run, that respect may allow you to remain friends.  If he is the obsessive type, drop him like a bad habit and run in the other direction, because you don't need the drama.  Go the respectful route first and see where it goes.  If he cries, cry isn't like you have to be completely free of emotions when this liked the guy enough to date him, so show him that emotion is there, but assure him that its more of a friendly emotion, not a romantic one.  Whatever happens, good luck.    

  3. you need to be honest with him and break it off......itll hurt him worse if you try doing something to make him break up with you. dont do something stupid. if hes cries, he cries and then its over . itll better than plotting to do something so he wont want you anymore

  4. What sort of a shithead are you.Your so cool are you ? then way do you need our answers.hope you get run over by a bus.

  5. If you are big enough to date then you are big enough to do the adult and mature thing...and that is to break it off with him and quit leading him on.

  6. he sounds so sweet! why do you want to break up? im sorry that's ur business. anyway, oh i cant think of anything. why cant i come up with an answer? try to find someone even better for him introduce her to him and maybe he'll break up with you. not much better to be the one dmped, but it's possible things will fall into place.

  7. well i u just have to understand that if u don't really really like him then the longer u stay with him the more misriable you are going to be jus tell him u just dont feel a connection and that yall are better as friends but be sincere about it

  8. Sounds like your going to have to sit him down and give it to him easy. If your not happy then you owe it to yourself to break it off, he'll get over it eventually

  9. Well let him done slowly or you could try to stay with him. Try to be sensative you sound a little bit mean I am sorry for him

  10. You could be annoying, and needy.

    Co-dependent, intrusive on the private time he actually gets.

    Controlling, etc.

  11. You need to remember that you're hurting him more by being with him. If you aren't emotionally in the relationship, it'll hurt him more if you wait longer. Just sit him down and tell him. Don't look at him if you can't. But you'll hurt him less if you treat him with respect. Just be honest in as kind of a way as possible.  

  12. well, try to make him break up with you. Try to find the thing that he is turned off by the most and do whatever it is constantly, that way you don't make him cry.

  13. Making him cry might be the only way.

    Alternatively, you could link him to this question for an ultra-classy way to break his heart!  

  14. You g2 do what u g2 do!

  15. Worst situation ever.

    I had to move out of the country to fix mine. And then moved back without telling him.

    Harsh, but.. ya can't be stuck with em forever.

  16. You will probably have to sit and have a face to face talk in a place that is quiet and just you and him. Don't tell to many other people about it. Make sure you tell him that you just want to be friends and that you will always like him.(even if it is not true)

  17. since he's sensitive, don't be mean to him.

    and don't cheat, you'll get a bad reputation.

    I guess what you can do is kind of be like "You like a brother to me,"

    that would probably freak him out and make him think that you two are better being friends.

    What ever you choose, make sure you make it look like HE was the one who wanted to break up.

  18. I find it hard to break a guy's heart too. I think that even though you don't want to hurt him you need to do what's best for you.

  19. Try to find someone else to take your place.  At least you'd have a backup & could try to spare his feelings as much as possible.  Suggest that you'd be better as friends BUT set him up with the other person.

  20. Maybe the best way to handle it would be to tell him you need a break in your relationship.  Tell him you just feel like you've come to a time in your life where you need some space from dating.  Let him know you have nothing against him, nothing he did or didn't do, but you just feel you need a break.  Tell him you're not doing it intentionally to hurt him & you want him to understand that.  Honestly, if you don't think you can handle telling him in person, you can always take the easier way out & tell him you had to do it by phone so it would be easier on both of you.  This honestly is a rough one...I DO wish you the best...:)

  21. hey u just gotta come clean and tell him but say please dont cry and say im sorry but i dont really like u anymore.  u might hurt him but he will eventually get over it.  ive cried over a girl  before(w***e broke my heart)  every guy with a heart does.  

    you will have to end it because if its his 1st relationship he will not want it to end.

  22. Stop being a ******... if you really want to be easy on him... be direct.... just tell him its over.

    I remember way back when.... I was in a relationship with a girl that I really liked, and I could tell she didn't like me as much as I liked her.  I tried harder and harder to get her to like me more, but it just never happened.  In the end, I spent 2 months of my life trying to make her like me, and all I did was annoy her more and more until she finally had to dump me.

    You aren't going to get him to break up with you, he will keep trying.  If you don't like him, you are going to have to do it yourself.

  23. ok so heres what you do..... lol..... make him hate you. hah. lmao


  24. alright just like take it seriously and tell him that you want to take a break or somethng and then after time goes by if he finds someone else then u  know that he is over you but if you find your self going back to him after takin a break off for a lil bit then telll him that you want to get back together.. just tell him you have to find some stuff out b4 you go the the next level in your relationship

  25. If you want him to break up with you.. watch how to lose a guy in 10 days.. use their advice but tone it down lol.  

    If you want to leave him.... Call him up and be like.. Hey, I need to talk to you can you meet me (insert place you choose here.. going for coffee is usually the best way).. then see h im and tell him that you really dont think things are working out for you anymore.. its not that he did anything really wrong you're feelings have just shifted.

  26. You need to be the bigger person and break up with him if you don't want to be in the relationship any more.

  27. just tell him and be staright up and say i dont think this will work out.

  28. okay then i would cheat on him???

  29. why do you want to end it?

  30. tell him you think your better off being friends, or you can't be involved in a good relationship right now. or say that you need a break for a little bit

  31. cheat and make ure he finds out through someone other than you then he would break up with u and ***** at u for lying

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