
How do you get a guy to stop likeing you?

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He has liked me since the second grade. Now were junior high. And hes asked me out like 5 times last year. And ugh its so annoying. And what makes it worse is that hes butt ugly. And a his social status is nerd. Ive told him that i hate him clearly but he is still obsessive. PLEASE help!!




  1. Honestly thats pretty mean of you but also I guess that would be annoying especially since you said you hated him and he's still on you.

    Best way = Set one of your friends on a blind date. With none other!

  2. Just tell him you don't see him that. Or tell him you're not into  anyone and want to be single. Or tell him you're working on trying to get with some one else

  3. will you don't even know when you get into college he mit be the most gutietes guy in towen then you mit just reget that you  never what out with him i'm telling you right know  you never know really what could happend in the next time you really see him how he really is are less he is really for esl are some thing or a diffenert  class that he takes . you the one is going to really find out the truth soon.

  4. eww. Sounds stalker-ish... Tell him that if he really liked you he'd want you to be happy and to be happy you need to be left alone. And don't ever talk to him. lol i hope things work out for you!!!

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