
How do you get a guy while your a freshman in high school? (Guy input appreciated)?

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How do you get a guy if your only a freshman? Is there any way to really find a guy you like and get him to like you back? I've had tons of crushes and every single one has turned out horribly. (I've never had a boyfriend) please, tell me how to get a guy. (guy input very much appriciated)




  1. He'll probably come around when you least expect it... so try not to rush. & don't go all out of your way trying to get and older boys attention [wearing littler clothes, a lot of makeup, being loud etc.] because if he doesn't like you for who you are then its not worth it. I'd say since you're a freshman, stick to freshman boys. A lot of upperclassmen boys won't admit liking a younger girl, being that they probably drive, have a job; and think that they're big-shots. So my advice is, stick to the boys your age... for now :P [its funny bcuz when you get older a lot of the guys that never looked twice @ you when you were a freshman will be looking at the younger women. ha-ha.]  

  2. well first it helps if your pretty or hot.

    then be sweet, flirt with guys hang out with them become friends

    and being a freshman means nothing im a freshman and i have mainly seniors and juniors after me!

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