
How do you get a haircut?

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How do you get a haircut?




  1. you take sissors and go chop chop chop and you have bangs

  2. Go to the hair salon xD

  3. I go to barber, sit in chair, barber cuts hair, easy.

  4. wrong section buddy.

  5. Get a bowl, put it on your head and shave around it. The best haircut you can get.

  6. RAE!  You should go into comedy!  I love it!

  7. I go to the barber.

  8. i love how this question is in the football section.....

  9. I call up my hairdresser and I schedule an appointment.

    I arrive at her shop.

    I sit in the shampoo chair.

    She washes my hair.

    She puts a towel on my head.

    I walk over to the chair.

    She puts an apron on me.

    She takes the towel off of my head.

    She combs out my hair.

    She cuts my hair in the back.

    She cuts my angles.

    She puts a cream thing in my hair.

    She blow dries my hair while brushing it.

    She takes of my apron.

    I stand up from the chair.

    She goes over to her book and tells me how much it is.

    I pay her and give her a little extra as a tip.

    I say thank you and bye.

    I walk out the door.

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