
How do you get a job in Canada?

by Guest59410  |  earlier

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i am trying to get a job in Canada but am getting no responses from either employers or recruitment companies even the ones that the websites suggest. Any one got any ideas?




  1. apply for one.

  2. If you're applying from outside Canada (which I'm assuming you are), it's possible that they're not contacting you because there's a pool of people with the same qualifications already here -- our employment rules are structured so that you can bring anyone over from anywhere, IF you can demonstrate that you advertised a particular job for a minimum amount of time and got no qualified applicants from within canada.

    If you're eligible for a work abroad program wherever you are, you'd be guaranteed the work visa, and therefore, would be relatively easy to hire.

    If you're applying from within Canada, go to any non-profit employment centre (a local Y probably has one, or companies like VPI), and have your resume assessed -- maybe you need a resume tune-up.

    Good luck!

  3. save up your money move there & try to get a job

    sorry it not a good answer but its all i got sorry

  4. This is a bit different - I'm Canadian and a few years ago, found a job in the US, but I assume the process is similar.

    You need to get a response from an employer.  I wouldn't recommend moving to a new country without having a job first (I'm not even sure if you can).

    I got hired by a US company and they went through the process of getting a work visa for me.  Under NAFTA, there are certain professional jobs that foriegn workers are eligible for.  (so, for example, you couldn't come to Canada just to work at McDonald's).

    Anyway, just keep on sending resumes and contacting Canadian companies.  If they hire you, they will start the process for the work visa.  (I didn't need to do anything)

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