
How do you get a kitten to calm down in the night

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do you show it no attention? so it realizes that you don't want to play?

and another thing. she has fleas. and there huge. people have been telling me to bathe her in dawn. and i did and the fleas. came right off. and then i put frontline on her back. so the fleas cease to exist.

should i bathe her daily in the dawn? also. she has worms. is there like an over the counter de wormer you can get or do i have to go to the vet and spend loads of money so she get rid of the worms? people have told me that worms can kill a kitten within a few weeks, is that true. cause ive been freaking out




  1. Yup. Got a kitten from a barn when i was in my early teens. Didnt last 2 weeks and it died in arms at 3 am. It had thrown up a worm not 12 hrs earlier. If its stool has worms just call the vet and tell them u need deworming medication ASAP. Shouldnt cost more than $20. As for the fleas, you cant kill all of them. The little b******s. They live in ur furniture and odds are you wont win.

  2. Kittens will be rowdy at night; there's not really a way to dictate to them when they sleep.  They're like babies - you can't tell a baby that it's not hungry in the middle of the night.

    Don't bathe your cat after you use Frontline.

    Go to and buy the thirteen-dollar deworming prescription pill.  Don't buy the ones at the grocery store; they don't work.

    Yes, worms and/or fleas can kill a kitten quickly.  However, you can still save your kitty.

    Additionally: Felines usually get intestinal worms from eating fleas.  If you remember to use a topical flea repellent once a month, you shouldn't need to deworm after this time.

    *Edit*  Frontline is enough to kill all the fleas.  The fleas on the furniture will die when they run out of cat blood.  They don't care for people blood.  If you still have fleas after a month, use Advantage instead of Frontline.  It's what I use.

  3. It is not necessary to bathe your cat...especially with dawn...that is terrible. If the fleas are gone there is no need to continue bathing her.

    You need to have your cat dewormed at the vet, and no, it won't cost you "loads of money". Perhaps you got your new friend you should have thought about the expense. A kitten cannot fight off worms on it's own, it needs medication. Please don't wait any longer. Did your kitten get her first shots? That is important too, as kittens need to be vaccinated for feline leukemia. Also, kittens are can't make them stop. Just make sure she has some toys around. My cat especially like the laser pointer..and that way I don't really have to do anything except point it around the makes him tire easily also.  

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