
How do you get a macbook to connect to the internet?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought one for a 1000 bucks. Its brand NEW, and im brand new to this whole wireless thing too.

no wifi at my house btw either.

so what are the steps to getting it to connect to wireless internet?

like i should go to radio shack and buy what? and stuff like that

I prefer steps please, everyone keeps saying "just connect to wifi"

well im a NEWB i dont what the h**l that is sadly lmao





  1. if it has built-in wifi and it should, it will show you ALL the dsl signals within 200 feet of your macbook

    you can piggyback on a neighbor's signal

    it is called "stealing service" and isp's hate it

    but it is up to you

  2. If you don't yet have Wi-Fi yet at your house, but have a cable or DSL modem with an ethernet connection, you simply need a wireless router.

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