
How do you get a new cat to get along with your previous cats and dog?

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I have three cats and a dog and they all get along beautifully,I have never had a problem incorporating a new addition to the family and they have all be strays or rescues. I took a stray home three weeks ago, I witnessed someone kicking her and throwing things at her and I couldn't bare leaving her. She was limping but after taking her to the vet he said she just sprained her leg but otherwise she was in great shape. She is so sweet to me and my son. It appears she has no resentment to humans but she attacks my other cats and my dog viciously, even if they just try to walk by her. I don't want to see any of my animals get hurt but I also don't want to get rid of her.




  1. just give it some time and they will like each other

  2. Let the dog, and the cat sleep on seperate bedding and then switch after one or two nights, and then put the bedding in the room with the kitten and vice versa. Then after a few days of this, start to introduce by opening the door slightly and letting them sniff one another.

    If they have room they should be fine.

    Good luck and best wishes.You sound like a lovely person, I hope it all works out for you.

  3. Patience is a virtue when introducing a new cat to an existing pet home.  I run a private rescue and getting a "newbie" is always stessful for awhile.

    I would give the cat her own space (in a separate bedroom, etc.) that she can escape to when feeling threatened.  Make sure she has her own litter pan, food & water.  

    Her behavior is driven by fear of your other animals so she's acting all tough.  I'd give her supervised interaction time with the other animals, but keep her separate while you are not home or asleep to keep your others safe.  

    Believe it or not, they will all eventually settle down.  She just needs time to realize the other pets/humans are not going to harm her.  This could take several weeks/months, but it will happen.  

  4. In order for a cat to get along with ur previous cats and dogs your pets should try to be friends with it it should try to help the new cat so it can adjust to ur home atmosphere goog question girl

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