
How do you get a new friend? and get back another?

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I am a guy in high school and I have friends but need new ones cause i loose them a lot. (or they ditch me) one of my best friends changed schools this last year and acted like it was no big deal to just ditch me and now i don't have like any friends. And he will not talk to me anymore cause he thinks he is better than me at his new school. I want him to be my friend still but don't know how! (or if that is a good idea?) and the second part of my question is that I want to make a new friend maybe best friend, and don't know how. It's a lot more complicated that this sounds but, it's hard not having a best friend anymore. (really hard) or any friends. What should I do, I am not a loser, I just can't seem to get, or keep friends for long. And he turned all of my last friends against me. I would also like to get on the popular scene, maybe. I am not a reject and people like me but don't take me seriously and don't seem to want to even make an effort to make friends with me. I don't think anyone understands how hard my life can be. even if it doesn't seem all that hard. I should be popular and have friends. I have a good sense of humor, I'm on the swim team, play soccer, in shape and happy. So to sum things up: I want my X best friend back and get a cool new friend(s) and need help from someone who actually has had problems like this or knows what I should do. You know what I mean? Right? and thanks for anyone who has spent there time to help me. You don't know how much it would mean to me!! thanks again....




  1. eh idk if you want the answer from me..cause im a 15 year old girll and girls think different than guys..but anyways..i went through the same thing my closest friends all turned against me..and basically made the whole school think im a s**t or something..idk..but it was horrible and i felt the same exact way as was hard not having a best friend..or any friends..cause i had no one to talk to..about anything..and my didnt understand how hard everything was after that but telling you about my life isnt gonna help i think that you should just ask the people you wanna be friends with, like the cool hang out..i mean the worst they can say is no..and if they do..blow it off... thats wat i did..but it worked out i got tons of new friends and even some of my old ones back because for one i prob. had  agreat attitude about everthing..yah it took a couple months but hey im in the popular scene now i guess you could kind of in every group i have all kinds of friends, and about that old friend..i wouldnt waste my time..he seems like a jerk. and its not worth your time to try to get someone like that back..but yah sorry if this didnt help you! i hope you get more help :]

  2. Just start talking to anyone that you think can be friends with you and before you know it, things just seem to click. Talk, talk and talk

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