
How do you get a older woman to turn in her drivers license, due to the fact she is a unsafe driver.?

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talk to the family doctor I have , I'm 100% right about her not being a safe driver. She has no idea where she is half the time, but today she got her tags to her car for this year... Michigan what r u thinking? Give her a road test.....




  1. Report her to the police and the DMV.

  2. With the same level of difficulty that you would have persuading a young male driver who is unsafe to hand his in!

  3. If she is family, talk to the family doctor.  He can do an assessment of basic vision, reflexes, etc.  This is a tough call, though.  Many times young folk think a senior is not a safe driver just because he/she drives a little slower.  Truth be told, many seniors know exactly what their limitations are, in contrast to 16 and 17 year olds who don't have a clue and think they have none.

    If she is not family, you have no standing, and could end up being labeled a meddler.

    Do not resort to the type of vandalism the next poster claims to have inflicted on his grandmother's vehicle.  If caught, it gets you the criminal charges you would so richly deserve.

    If the family doctor has done an assessment, and didn't try to lift the licence, she must not be as bad as you said, or he would definitely have made a report to the driver licence issuing body in your state or province.

    Does she have a bad accident record?  Has she received more tickets than ever before in her life?  If so, she will come to the attention of the driver review board.  If not, then she must be doing something right.

    When my Dad got older, and lost some of his ability, he knew it, and compensated by driving a little slower, and not in heavy traffic.  He quit when he felt he had reached his limt.  Grandad was the same.  He drove in the country, but would not drive in the city.  When he moved into the city, he quit.  My uncle, same way, he quit when he decided his eyes weren't good enough.  My father-in-law, at 80, is slowed, but he is still a decent driver.  I had a friend that drive until he was 94, and he was still safe.  My aunt, however, was a lousy senior driver, but then she was a lousy driver at 40 years of age!

  4. just wait till she dies.

  5. I’m sure you tried talking it out and she refuses to see your point. I had the same problem with my grandmother. I just disconnected the coil, gave her two flat tires, and locked her keys inside 4 times. She was starting to think, that she was forgetting things to easily. I then finally broke the tumbler in the door lock. She was so frustrated she told me God did not want her to drive any more and asked if I could take her. It was a long month for sure. I was ready to just tow it away and tell the police it was stored at my house for safety reasons.

  6. Don't try it if you value your health,believe me

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