
How do you get a parakeet to accept stepping on your finger?

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We have 3 parakeets, we've had them for about 2 weeks. Two of them have warmed up quickly to being trained to step on the finger, the other parakeet runs away quickly and doesn't want anything to do with it. How do we get her to warm up to the idea?




  1. Once I had a parakeet that was just like your bird.  I would take him into the dark bathroom with just a little light from a candle or flashlight because he could not see that good in the dark/dim bathroom.  He did not fly or run when I out him on my finger and soon he realized my finger was not all that bad....  I practiced a little bit every day and in a few days he was stepping on my finger any time I offered it to him.  

    Why did you get 3 parakeets and not 2 or 4?  I found that three parakeets seemed to leave one bird as an outcast.  A male and female mated, then the other male was always flirting with the girl and fighting with her mate.  If one seems lonley  or you have fights you may need to add one more to your group.

  2. try feeding her lettace by hand

  3. It takes time and patiences. Seeing that the other birds have warmed up, may help your skittish bird. Also,. you may consider using bird treats to get it used to being near your hand. Don't try to force it up on your finger until he is comfortable with your hand being in his cage and near him. It just takes time.

    Good luck.

  4. if she's skiddish try not to come directly at her...

    play with the other two when shes around make sure that she sees that you're playing with the other two and they're perfectly fine

    you can also try to place food in your hand and wait for her to come to you but that might take a while

    and once you have her in your hands take her somewhere that you can sit down like a sofa or something like that place her on you lap or a pillow and just work with her... pet her and make her feel comfortable

    hopefully that helps

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