
How do you get a partner for ballroom dancing?

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i am a sixteen year old girl that wants to start taking a balroom dancing class, but how do you get a partner? do you already have to have one or do you get paired up with someone?

please help

and thank you




  1. well u really dont need a partner but uhmmm it would be easyer

    if u did cause u would learn faster but its ur choice

  2. Get your fairy Godmother to build you a coach with servants.

  3. you don't need a partner.  just take some lessons, most of the time there is another person without a partner, so you can dance with them.  it doesn't matter if it is a boy of girl.... with a girl you trade off so you learn both parts.  then you can go out dancing with a group of friends and then the cute ballroom experts ask you to dance. : )

  4. ask around go to the class and there will probably be partners there for the same reason you are.

  5. Most people start alone and over time during classes they meet potential partners. 90% of new ballroom students do not go to class with a partner.

    On your first few lessons everyone has a go at dancing with everyone so everyone changes partners, once you are ready to get serious about having a permanent partner you should talk to your teacher and he/she will be able to help you find one

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