
How do you get a pic of your self for an avatar instead of an avatar????

by Guest32415  |  earlier

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my avatar doesn't show up on yahoo answers and when i log in to get my mail there is a boy avatar! how do i make a pic of me/something my avatar icon thing?




  1. click the picture of your avatar [the boy]

    and it should lead you to the avatar editing page...

    to change the s*x of the avatar, go to the editing page, and on the upper right hand corner should say preferences.

    click and change gender....

    if you want your real pic...

    you need to have like a yahoo 360

    if you do, upload your pic onto there.

    and when that is all set...

    click your name.

    edit profile.

    sscroll down.

    until you find the picture selection:

    no pic...360...or avatar.

    choose 360

    hope i helped

    good luck !


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