
How do you get a puppy to stop biting?

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Not aggressive biting just really ruff play biting. And if you tap his nose he comes back for more.




  1. Every time the puppy starts to bite something gently swat it on the snout and sternly tell it "NO BITING".

    Eventually as it grows up it will learn that if it doesn't want to receive that swat on the snout it won't bite anything. You should also give it and old boot or something that you approve of it chewing on.

  2. You turn your back to him and just ignore him until he sits x It works!

  3. He is just teething, and when he gets older he'll  stop. Buy him chew toys so he can teeth on them instead of you.

    Good Luck!

  4. Actually, a puppy needs to 'bite', it's how they learn NOT to bite when they are older.Look up 'mouthing'. Mouthing is what teaches a dog what force to use when older. I am sure he is also teething, in which case, plenty of dog toys available!

    We just got a new puppy, this puppy will grow to be a very large dog and he was 'biting' on our older dog. The older dog didn't seem to mind but I was very concerned that it was an indication that the dog might be a biter or something. I asked the vet and then researched it on line and after reading up on the subject it makes perfect sense.

    I also have this new puppy in dog training and we were given books on different topics. There is a short spiel on mouthing, if you would like me to type it to you and e-mail to you I will, just let me know!!

    Good Luck with the puppy!!

  5. i agree, a light tap on the snout will sting him and he'll get the message after a few times. don't give up on him. everytime he bites you tap him kinda hard on the nose and say no kinds loudly in a stern voice is the best way to get a puppy to stop biting but give him another chew toy to play with because he is teething and needs something to soothe his teething with. dont forget to get him a chew toy before getting him to stop biting you.

  6. If you are tapping his nose firmly and that isn't working, you may want to try using your dominence.  Wrestle the puppy on his back hold on to his muzzle firmly and look into his eyes, do not look away until he does.  He may make some noises, but it doesn't hurt him, make sure your hand is not covering his nostrils.  This also may need to be repeated until the dog remembers what happens when he bites.

    Hopefully that helps, it worked on our dog.

  7. lightly hit him on the snout when he bites, or on the top of the he biting you or when feeding...??? if it's when feeding there isn't really anything you can do apart from feeding him from a bottle...

  8. Brandy W is SO right

  9. you can try chew toys but puppys bite as a from of playing....if hes biting and hurting you...then a lil pop on the nose and saying no or moving him away from you and saying no will eventually get him to if hes bitting you and it doesnt hurt then hes really just playing (puppys use biting as a sign of affection) so if hes biting on your hand put the chew toy in front of him and get him to bite on that instead but its really hard to get a puppy to stop bitting completely till he gets older and it will be easier to train him

  10. Take your index finger and your middle finger and spank him/her. Scold him and let him know that you won't tolerate that.

  11. its a puppy thing it will grow out of it just dont encourage it. when it starts biting you try to ignore it so it realizes if it bit it wont get a pattered, if it still wont stop try putting it outside for a couple of minutes. good luck

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