
How do you get a rock to brake glass, to brake wrench, to get rock?

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How do you get a rock to brake glass, to brake wrench, to get rock?




  1. glass is easy to break, even tempered breaks if you tap the edge.

    breaking a wrench is easy, just buy one that says "Made in China", use it, break it.

    to 'get a rock' you must learn to think like a rock.  this may be quite easy for you.  just sit down and stop moving.

  2. BREAK  

    I didn't realise this was a question about spelling for a few moments lol

  3. omg! they kill Kenny!

  4. Rock on, my friend, rock on.....

    To break the glass you just throw the rock at it.

    To break the wrench, you hit the weak spot, the joint.

    To get a rock, just look outside on the ground, they exist in most enviroments.

  5. There is something kind of Zen about that question!  Gotta love circular logic.  I'll have to meditate on that one!

  6. drop it, grind it, bake it

  7. Brake means to bring to a stop or to slow something down (like in brakes on a car).

    Glass doesn't brake anything, neither does a wrench.  But if you throw a wrench into an engine it would stop it, so I guess you could say a wrench can brake something.

    As for "to get rock" - that sounds like "rock" is a condition (like to get crazy or to get happy).

    Never heard of getting rock - must be some new street slang.

  8. Rock breaks scissors.

    But scissors cut paper.

    And paper covers rock.

    Kiff, alert the men.  Tell them we have a conundrum.

  9. You use the sound of one hand clapping.

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