
How do you get a speed limit lowered on small roads from 40 to say 30mph?

by  |  earlier

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my road is a 40 mph and at shift change at the local prison there are speeds of up to 80 mph and i want the speed limit lowered because of my child and my dog. any suggestions?




  1. You will need the support of all people that live on this road and this can be done by getting all of them to sign a petition that states what is needed and then you will need to address the city managers office....

  2. try going to your city hall

  3. Get a petition signed by the people on the street,and video tape of speeders and what your trying to get changed,video is great,makes people believe.

  4. Go to your town hall the next time they have a town meeting and ask to be heard. State your case and they will decide if it something they are willing to pursue. Let them know about your childrens saftey and that you wish to have something done about this.  

  5. first, be realistic. if they're already completely ignoring the current speed limit, what makes you think they'd pay any attention to a lower one? instead, ask for a speed camera to be installed. massive tickets will slow them down

  6. sure try this keep your dog on a leash and learn the kid to stay off the road. why should thousands of people be inconvienced because you can't or don't want to do your job<

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