
How do you get a spider out of your room?

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ok so last night i was moving things on my night stand and this big black spider jumps out from one of the papers. im like deathly scared of spiders, so i start screaming and wont even go near it. when i go back to try to kill it so it wont be in my room anymore, its no where in sight.i had to sleep in the spare bedroom (which is the most uncomfortable bed in the world)because the thought of a spider running around in my bed while im sleeping scares me so bad.if anyone has any advice on how to lure it out or to just get it out of my room i would be SO thankful!




  1. beat the heck out of the things in your room!!:)haha.

    go wild.


    use alcamphore.

  2. Sheeez , what a drama queen............

  3. find a used clear plastic container with a lid if you want to catch and release keep near bed so when u see spider clunk it over spider lifting gently insert a thin cardboard to scoop spier inside than place lid with pinholes on race outside and take down street release

    or  keep a flyswatter and zap him next time you see spider...

    otherwise ask a friend to do the good deed

  4. stick a bunch of flies to your wall alive (with possible store bought web) then wait till the spider go theres (which could range a couple days to 1 night possibly) then when it comes out swat it. this may require staying up late in camo.

  5. y wont u just kill it

    smash it with a book

  6. all you have to do is get your parents to kill it. or you cuold smash it with a book or a shoe. if you never find it than just keep sleeping in your room and hope that its gone.or you could also look for it at night.


  7. well if you can't find it anymore its probably either gone, died, crawled into another space i.e. underground. you'll probably forget about it in a day or two. but theres not much you can do unless you find the spider.  

  8. Spiders cant be lured unless you find the web. If you find a web, the spider should be nearby. If you find it, make sure to use a level 6 kamehameha. If you cant, then just use a regular newspaper and just chuck it at the spider

  9. Don't go there ever again - move rooms and buy new stuff (that's what I would do - I am mega scared of them too).

    I am nearly sick when I see one.

    Seriously though - get someone else to go in and remove it (make sure you see the corpes too though as they may have said they got it and not really got it and then there you go! A few months time and it rears its ugly head (and legs) once again and this time it's bigger!

    I heard one chanting my name once (I had been drinking a bit though) "Amy, Amy, I'm coming to get you............."  

  10. just spray it with insect spray,it will be dead in no time

  11. my friend is really scared of spiders too, and as a present her boyfriend got her a spider catcher..its like a stick with a closing grip/container at the end. if you are really scared of spiders that might be something to look into

  12. get a fly swatter or a shoe! SPLAT!

  13. Spiders are useful creatures and far preferable to flies that carry disease or moths who destroy your clothes.  It is not interested in crawling around your bed.  It will likely find a strategic spot to spin its web and not bother you at all.  

  14. Large black spiders are usually harmless.  The small "brown recluse spider" is the most dangerous.  You will probably never see one because it is a "recluse"  The black widow is also deadly but it is small and does not jump.  The large black spider with sort of a "fuzzy" appearance with jet black hair on the body and legs is very common and will not harm you.  but it you do not remove it (ie kill it) there will be others.  Some times called a "jumping spider" it is beneficial and will keep your room free from other small insects.  The jumping spider is a does not have a web to trap small insects.  If it gets in your bed it is more likely that you will hurt it by rolling over on it.  There is a very large spider the tarantula but these are not house spiders and unless you have a tent in the desert you will not see one in your bed.

    Just a guess but you have probably seen this spider only once.  You are not likely to see it again. Relax and enjoy having a nice spider companion. (just joking) fear of spiders is real and just knowing it will not hurt you does not make you much happier.  Good luck!

  15. umnmm hmmm.... have a cat??? hel catch him... or if ur soo scared like me i would tunr the while room upside down to find it and kill it

  16. This a very useful tool to catch spiders -

    Spider and Insect Catch and Release Tool

    You can remove a spider from inside your house by putting a jar over it. Then slip a piece of paper under the jar so that the opening is sealed, pick up the jar, and take the spider outside.

    A broom is also a useful tool for moving a spider outside.

    Chemicals Are Ineffective

    Using a pesticide is not a good solution to spider problems. "Insecticides will not provide long-term control" of spiders, according to the University of California, "and should not generally be used against spiders outdoors." Inside, "control by spraying is only temporary unless accompanied by housekeeping."

    Washington State University Extension has a similar perspective: "Most spider problems can be solved without the use of chemicals." -

    Preventing Spider Problems

    There are many ways to make your home less appealing to spiders. If there are cracks in your foundation or around windows and doors, seal them up.

    Check places where water pipes and electrical lines enter your house, and caulk any openings.

    Keep woodpiles and debris away from your house.

    In storage areas, put boxes up off the floor and away from walls.

    Seal boxes with tape to keep spiders from living inside them. In general, cleaning up clutter will mean you have fewer spiders.

    Pruning vegetation away from your house and keeping the area next to the foundation clear will also make your house less attractive to spiders.

    Outdoor lighting sometimes attracts insects, which in turn attracts spiders. You can move outdoor lighting away from windows and doors if this is a problem around your home. -

    Overcome your fear, here -

  17. I have had great luck with paper lunch bags.

    Just last night there was a spider zipping around on the floor. When I put a lunch bag down in his path he ran right in it. Perhaps it looked like a safe place for him. Then i set the bag outside so he could go free.

    They may be creepy, but spiders are our friends. They eat other bugs that want to eat our food.

  18. I think I would get my vacuum out and use the wand in all the nooks, crannies, and corners. This is coming from someone who wouldn't sleep in our bedroom until my husband got rid of the mammoth moth flying around! You may also get an indoor friendly spray made by, I think, Ortho.

    PS. Hope your vacuum is the kind with the clear canister so you can watch for a successful spider snag! Good luck!

  19. Call an exterminator and have them gas your room. You really need to get over the fear.. Its kinda pathetic. Spiders are as harmless as it gets, plus they eat any other bugs, meaning, with spiders your bug free.

  20. Spiders have a phobia of horses. It's well known fact. I don't what you'll do with this information. Maybe leave a window open and play a cowboy film really loud? When he hears the horses he'll flee the scene and don't be surprised if his family go with him. I suppose you can then put some toy horses near the door and windows. Can you imagine his face? I mean they really hate horses and there's nothing they can do about it! He'll be so mad!  

  21. suck it up with the hoover!

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