
How do you get a stalker off your back?

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My friend has a stalker and he followed her to the bathroom and well he follows her everywhere they have the same classes and he is wierd he talks to himself, he's all about politics, and my friend is new from this year and they live next to eachother and he is creepy how do i get him off her back?





  1. If this was a stranger a real stalker whom you don't know.. who just follows and finds out your phone number and is a real stalker they are very dangerous people and for them one has to call the police right away but in this case it's a bit different.. he must have a crush on her.. she has to tell him in a friendly but assertive way.. without making him look like a fool because then he might turn vengeful.. that she is not interested and that he should please stop following her otherwise she should talk to the teacher who knows them both... and tell him she doesn't feel comfortable and that he also follows her outside of school.. then the teacher will talk to him... she should do that... try to talk to this guy first if this doesn't help tell it to the teacher.. the one who teaches them bost is the best one to talk to as he will know both of them.. xx

  2. I say tell your friend to talk to her parents.  They are the best equipped to deal with this by either talking to his parents, talking to the school, and maybe calling the police about it.  Parents are there for a reason!  They are good for something!

  3. omg, i want to know the answer to this one too

  4. If he talks to himself then there must be something wrong with him mentally. She needs to tell him to stop following her or she'll get the cops involved. If he doesn't stop she needs to tell her parents, they'll take care of it, knowing he lives next door they can talk to his parents.

  5. Be very careful how this is handled. He may be a psycho with nothing to lose.

    If she walks with a guy this will send him crashing into reality, the reality being that she is taken, and that there is no chance.

    I should know, because I have liked girls that didn't like me back, and I didn't know what to do. In this world there are so many guys, so a few get left behind with nothing but videogames and and role playing.

    Just try to not make him angry, though. If he is psychotic enough to stalk, he is psychotic enough to do worse. People with nothing to lose are more unpredictable than  a zoo animal.

  6. I hear that if you rub salt on them...they kind of corrode. You might offer the stalker the initiative, offer some salt and say, "Take this, rub it all over yourself, and COR-RODEuh!"

    eeew I can't staND THOSE CREEPS.

  7. your friend needs to get her parents involved before someone gets hurt !

    this is your "friend's" problem and your "friend" needs to get the ball rolling. you cannot

  8. a) ask him to back off

    b) tell someone (teacher/parent)

    c) if it continues, call the police. this is harassment.

    If your friend feels threatened already, there is no harm in calling the police, they may have some other advice.

  9. Your friend should tell her parents who should talk with the school principal about this as it seems impossible some of his teachers haven't observed his odd behaviour.  

    You, and your friend, can ask around to find out (perhaps) if he has followed anyone else at school during the past year or two.  If others have had this happen to them, it may be possible he would be required to have a complete physical before being allowed to continue classes.  

    There is a possibility this boy is suffering from schizoprenia which is a mental illness more common in males than females and the teen years are when it is most common for the symptoms to begin.   If this is the case, the reason he talks to himself is because he's, probably, hearing voices and may also be experiencing hallucinations.  There may be times when he has a, temporary, 'disconnect', such as when he followed your friend to the bathroom - something he would not have been fully aware of doing.    

    Btw, not everyone who hears voices has a mental disorder but think this may be the problem with him.   It's likely that the reason he "stalks" your friend is because she's a neighbor and is familiar-looking to him as someone near-to-home.  

    Why don't you suggest to your friend that, when she talks with her parents, (you may want to be with her as a witness of events), she ask them to contact NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) to talk about this with someone and ask for literature on shizophrenia.  They might, also, ask whether or not it would be appropriate to invite the boy to their house for a short visit (Saturday lunch, perhaps?).  (You're not supposed to cringe at my suggestion!)  I would think that, after hearing about this boy's behaviour, they would want to observe and form some opinions on a first-hand basis.  

    It's important you and your friend are not rude to him - just try to avoid him as well as you can since he makes you uncomfortable.  If he does have schizophrenia, he's aware of it and already has feelings of isolation and rejection so, you don't want to add to this (remember ~ God never fails to observe our behaviour).

    Hope this situation has a positive outcome.

  10. I sister had a stalker.  I told him that he had 24 hours to leave her alone. If he didn't comply to do things my way. That i would find him and make him see the error of his ways.

    Never heard from him again.

    As you actually know this person, I suggest talking to him as he might not be intending to stalk your friend.

    You never know he might just be trying to grab your attention.

    Don't be nasty just calmly say " would you mind not following me everywhere"

    If you have the same classes it might seem like he's stalking you but actually he's keeping himself to himself!

  11. Im a guy and I guess I havent been a stalker but the best way to get a that guy off her back its to let him know thT she already has a boyfriend,,,,,just pick a random guy a hug him while his watching,

  12. just tell him to **** offfff

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