
How do you get a star on the webkinz farie game?

by Guest45226  |  earlier

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Hey the star finder game how do you know that your going to get a star? Like one day it was the good farie then quizzy!




  1. your trying to get a star i never knew that well i think you need to get a lot of pink fairies

  2. Well i dont even know. i cant do anything there!

  3. If you are asking about the new star game in the Charm Forrest - alyssa's Star Challenge, you never know if you will get a star.  You have 3 chances to try (Just like 3 tries to find a gem) . You may see a shooting star and that will take up one of your chances.  You may get a prize (I got solar pants) or nothing.  It's a game of chance.

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