
How do you get a two year old to sleep?

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I have a two year old daughter and bedtimes are becomming a bit of a nightmare. We have a routine where she is bathed and ready for bed for 7:30, she spends a half hour or so watching a DVD before the lights are off and she should 'go to sleep'.

Recently tho, she has been resisting going to sleep (I say resisting because sometimes its blatently obvious she is exhausted). I am forever getting up and down putting her back into bed only for her to get back up again a few minutes after I have left the room. This can go on till 9-10 o clock at night which isn't good. She has a little nap during the day most days but this is unavoidable because sometimes she just wants to sleep and at 2 I think she probably still needs a daytime nap?!?

Help needed for a daddies sanity - (and mummies too lol)




  1. heres what you do take it on a drive to a bridge or cliff grab its feet swing and throw really far whilest doing this shout with as much anger as you can muster THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!

  2. I would probably be inclined to not let her watch a dvd.  This would be stimulating her little mind right before you want her to sleep.  Instead I would read her a story. Also, she could be over tired.  Sometimes when you put a child to bed that is over tired they just want cuddles and hugs so that is why she might be getting up.  

    I would be inclined to put her down, have a story, kiss her good-night and tell her to stay in bed.  Then I would close the door and ignore her.  She'll probably cry.  Let her do this for a 3 minutes or so, then go in, put her back to bed, but dont speak to her.  Next time, lengthen the period before you enter the room, say, 5 minutes.  Same deal.  Into bed, no talking (that's you).  Lengthen the time again!  The first few days will be the hardest but she will eventually get the message.  You need to make sure she cant leave the room though or this wont work.

    I know its easier said than done.  Especially when its your child.  I spent many a night sitting on the other side of my daughter's door getting upset myself!  Just stay calm.  This will work.  Good-luck.

  3. I have a 2 year old boy.  

    For a start I would strogly recommend that you stop lettig him/her watch dvd's before bed - that may be your biggest problem.  

    Dont bother letting him/her sleep in the daytime - if you do you will be in a world of trouble like I get when my boy sneakily go off to have a nap.

    When my boy gets tired I tend to jump up and get him involved in something like painting (keep his brain active).

    I also put my boy to bed at 630pm (my 4 year old then goes at 7pm, and my 9 year old later on)

    I read him a story then stroke his head - he is usually that tired by the end of the day he passes out within 10 mins - and is in a great mood by the morning.

    Believe me - games, tv and dvds only get your child excited and uptight before sleep.

    Good luck ;)

  4. I used to put mine into bed, say "go to sleep" and they did it. Sickening, but true.

    It sounds to me as if she's already past her sell-by date when you start putting her to bed - 8:00 pm is quite late when they're little.

    Mine used to do bath, jamas, teeth and into bed by about 6:30 and then have a cuddle and a story(more relaxing), light out by about 7. At 16 and 17 we still don't have TVs in the bedrooms LOL! We had thick curtains and blinds on their windows too. I agree, she probably still needs a kip during the day, but try and keep it to no more than an hour.

    If they have a busy daytime life particularly, they need at least 12 - 14 hours sleep to be fit to live with at that age. I know it's awkward when one/ both of you has been at work all day,but early bed-times really do work.  

  5. Well my daughter is 2 1/2, she DOESN'T sleep through and is rarely asleep before 10pm. She normally drops off at around 11pm and will wake periodically through the night, 3-4 times

    Don't let her watch that Dvd before bed, read a book instead its better for her development.

  6. I am avoiding putting my 2 year old into a bed for this exact same reason,lol.

    With my other two I just put them to bed, explained it was sleep time, gave them a kiss and left the room. If they got up, I just put them back without saying a word to them. Kept doing it until they got the message.

    Soon enough, they learnt that getting up was not going to get them any extra attention.

    I would keep up with the nap, as long as it isn't too late in the afternoon.

    Try that with your daughter, and good luck.

  7. NO tv before bed, it stimulates the brain far too much and eliminates the relaxing effects from the bath.

    so bath, cuddles and then bed.  have a real wind down!!!

    good luck

  8. watching tv makes you stay up longer so having her watch 30min watching a dvd makes her more awake. i would sugest playing some soft music and reading to her for a little while.

    when she gets out of bed for the first time take her hand and say her name and then say its time for bed time (firmly) the second time just say "bed time" the third time say NOTHING at all, she will slowly learn that getting out of bed wont get her any attention and that its time for bed.  

  9. Well with my 2 year old daughter i gave in and allowed her to have the cartoon channel on as long as she wanted it- which lead to us going in a 3am and her still wide awake and being grotty.... Then i gues i had enough, i read her a story and only one story mind! and i have one of them space solar system mobiles on her ceiling which plays tunes and lights up for 15 minutes so she watches that every night and I tell her to look out for the little frog on one of the planets without getting up- of course there isnt a frog but she still looks ever night and now she is 4 lol... works a treat within 20 mins she is asleep soundly.

    My son who is 11 months i intend to buy him the same mobile and hopefully when he comes into times of refusing to go to sleep it will work for him too.

    Let her have her naps as more tired she is for bed less quicker she will nod off.  

  10. What my GF calls "THE TERRIBLE TWOS"

    Apparently they just become little buggers.

  11. I do understand what u say but still I think U need to cut afternoon nap. I had a same problem and with my son I did it  and it worked.

  12. We cut out my daughter's daytime nap at around 2 - she just didn't need it anymore and it meant she was staying up until 10pm.  I'd also get rid of the DVD - that's a stimulant.  At her age, take her down to your local bookshop and let her pick out a few books - ask advice from the assistants.  After her bath take her to bed, put on a side light, not the main light, get into bed with her and read her a book or two - maybe give her some warm milk to drink while she's listening.  For me it's one of the most lovely parts of the day and it relaxes me as much as it relaxes her.

    Also, is she in a proper bed?  At 2 we bought our daughter a proper bed and let her choose her own bed linen / cushions / lamp / throw etc.  It looks liks a fairy princess' nightmare, but she loves it and loves relaxing and spending time in it - sometimes she chooses to go off there by herself to 'chill out'!

  13. Ok... so u probably arent going to like this idea.. but it does work!

    After her bath..make it later than normal..... lie beside her in bed & use the hair dryer to dry her hair... the warmth & monotonous tone of the hair dryer will put her to sleep!  Move away from the bed.. hair dryer in hand before switcing in off & removing it from the room. (as sudden silence will wake her again!)

    Its not an ideal solution, but it worked for me... i got her into a routine & found my sanity!     Breaking this new habit is something you can do another time... !

  14. oh i know this well....the first think i will say is that is wont last forever...but it may go on for ages! lol

    My 8 yr old still keeps herself up for hours at night, but at her age we can ignore her!

    I think at 2 she may not need her is a possibility. All babies are different. My youngest who is 3, gave up his nap at 18mths which made life hard!

    I would start by REDUCING her length of nap.

    IS she tired in the morning because of her lack of sleep at night?

    The best way to deal with this is to not give her attention putting her back to bed but it will make you feel evil. Put a stairgate on her room if she likes the door open, if she cannot open the door & isnt bothered by the dark, shut her door. Then when she gets up, wait 5 minutes then quickly put her into bed without speaking to her. Is she in a bed or still her cot/crib? If you can contain her in a cot/crib that would be best...

    Don't speak to her AT ALL dont cuddle her just pick & put then leave...then wait 10mins before you do it the second time, and fifteen minutes the third- NEVER leave her longer then 15 mins as she will get too distressed. but she SOULD cry about it...and again everytime you go just lift her bck into her bed say night night and go. Be firm. After a few days i doubt she will bother getting up again. It really does work but you have to be in the right frame of mind to want to do it because it is emotionally stressful (i have done it and it worked but it is AWFUL whilst doing it...but does work quite quick as long as you stick to it and dont give in my cuddling, talking etc)

    good luck

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