My friend doesn't have custody of her kid, the father does, and she gets to see her son only during the summer. The boy is ridiculously addicted to video games and she hates it. She really wants him to be interested in reading, hiking and creating art but he doesn't care about stuff like that.
If I was her I would simply take away the video game but she says he has a hissyfit out of this world, yells at her (which I wouldn't take) and she rather give him what he wants. I deal with kids in a totally different way, I rather a kid hate me rather than let them get what they want and spend 12 hours a day playing video games and nothing else.
I want to give her advice but I don't have a kid myself and I feel sorry for her. I think I could be too mean in my advice. What do you think? How do you get a video game addicted kid to do somethin else more constructive?