
How do you get a visa to brazil or bolivia if you plan to bus in and out and don't have airline tickets?

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i planon backpacking from argentina back to the states and need visas for bolivia and brazil. both countriues require that you have tickets in and out of the country to get a visa. i plan on backpacking all the way.. how can i get a visa???




  1. Sounds like you will need to contact their embassies and ask.  Surely you are not the first person to do this.  but, I see no other way to find out.  if you are currently in Argentina, you need to find loction of Bolivian and Brazillian embassies and go ask them.  Or...maybe the U.S. embassy could help...they may have knowledge of other Americans who have done this and be able to help you out.  Good Luck!

  2. If you are a U.S. citizen, I think that for Bolivia, a bus ticket through to Lima or Puno would work in place of an airplane ticket.  More important you will need a proof of yellow fever vaccination and a confirmed hotel/hostal reservation.

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