
How do you get a website banned? will you guys help me?

by  |  earlier

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i just found this horrible website

exploiting p*****n girls

i know!!!!

here it is:

just so we're clear, i did not TRY to find this site. my little cuz is interested in modeling, so i just searched for some child modeling stuff, and came across this!

i cant believe anyone would have the heart to exploit little girls like this. it makes me so sad.

so point is, how do u ban a website? do u think we could make a petition or something?




  1. i think u should call the cops and give them the website

  2. OMG THAT"S F**KING SICK! I'm going to find an FBI website or something to email it to them.  That's NOT modeling, that's porno!

    EDIT:  I just reported it to the ASACP and FBI site and in Canada to the .

    Although it's a rating site of all the sites that are available out there, likely in other countries it will likely be hard to shut them all down.  I would imagine and hope that they all would eventually because these sick F**Ks only have so long before someone meets them and tortures the c**p out of them until they feel like the excrement they are!  That's sick, how can you find little kids s**y or for the more part, want them for that?  Some people should just be exterminated!

  3. OMG that is disgusting. It made me sick to my stomach. I hope we can get rid of it. I suggest re-posting this question in the newborn and infant section and some others so more people can see it and try to get it taken down.

  4. that is soo gross i think you can report it to the police they should go to jail

  5. I'm not sure how to do but I suppose that you report it to an abuse line and I'd be happy to sign or reply to anything because if a girl was looking online and found that it would be awful!

  6. I reported it to the site that Amy! provided.


    I found that site where you're supposed to report it and reported it myself, but the more people that report a site, the faster it gets looked at and taken care of. I didn't really know the content of the site, because I was too disgusted to look around, but if there is nude content then it will get looked at faster as well. Thank you for being so concerned with the matter, I'm pregnant with my first and I CANNOT imagine ever subjecting my child to anything like that.

  8. thats disgusting!!! I m not sure on how to ban it...

    try this ... it says something about banning it

  9. I don 't know how a website like that could ever exist.

    I reported it as well.

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