I'm fourteen and going into grade ten this September. I've been wearing makeup for about a year and a half - mostly just eyeliner, mascara, lipgloss and cover up. I've always had trouble with doing my eyes because if I do it dark or apply eyeshadow colors, I look fake and really dark! When I do it the usual way I do, people are like, You look cute but could use some makeup (I AM!).
A link to a link of my picture: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=At0tTiKGLtARnPGNfWsWXNLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080813130239AAplEso
I have brown eyes and hair and need a look like or similar to the below. Nothing Gothic or scene (no offense!) but more preppy. I wouldn't mind some colors, but mostly just beiges and grey.
Any steps or ideas? Please look at the picture before answering! Thanks so much, I love hearing you're answers!