
How do you get annoying people to recycle when they refuse to do it?

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These are co-workers. Pop cans, paper pizza boxes, etc... all go in the trash bin when the blue box is right beside it. Blantent remarks do not help.




  1. tell them they will die soon if they dont help the world because we will use up all the exports and have nothing left of us except a little dust in the wind and the wold will be gone forever!  jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk!!!!!

  2. Reinforcement works better than punishment. And your nagging is a form of punishment.

  3. lie to them say that ur holding a contest on whoever u see recycle more frequently will get a prize by the end of the month and you'll see how fast they do it,

  4. tell them.

  5. Just look at the highways, them lazy liberals can not even find a garbage can.

  6. leave sings saying rude things about them in thier yards for the next year

  7. Educate, Educate and then Educate some more! If you show them the impact they will make by making simple changes in the way they handle their waste, you might be able to encourage a change in their lifestyle. It seems like a lot of work at first but once people get the hang of it, it becomes natural.

    Sway them with kindness and lead by example :)

    Good luck to you!

  8. Put a note above the trash can stating: If it is cardboard, cans, and etc, PUT IT in the BLUE trash can, NOT so hard it is right next to the other trashcan! haha. Maybe they will take a hint. Some people just dont realize until it is too late. like Global warning! ARGH! I am going through something like this. I dont understand why there is recycling bins for houses but not for apartments. I dont have recycling centers to just drop off things next to my house and I am getting mad becuase I love to recycle but the recycling centers that are near ONLY take certain items. ARGH!

  9. ooh, tough one, maybe an incentive scheme?

  10. I pluck recyclables out of the trash and put them in the proper bin, you can't force people to recycle... yet; you can make them feel guilty by showing them the proper way of disposing their unwanted packaging.

    I don't usually have these problems with co-workers; however, I do offer to take my friends' recyclables home with me. Sometimes they get upset, but for the most part I get a phone call from them about a month later exclaiming they are now recycling.

    Pretty much, I embarrass my friends and family into recycling and therefore am doing good for our planet.

  11. Is there anyone else in the office who shares your disgust at just how stupid that is? I mean that is a no brainer when the recycle bin is right next to it.

    If your making blatant remarks they could possibly be doing it on purpose just to p**s you off. Unfortunately people are ignorant like that as you know.

    My only suggestion is that if someone else in the office shares in how you feel you both could go in together and bring in a BIGGER bin than the original bin and put it next to it. ha ha ha and draw a huge symbol on it of some kind  or you both could go straight to management.

    Who put the bin there to begin with? It is obviously there for a reason and someone wanted it there. Perhaps you need to speak to that person.

    In San Diego years ago it used to be a dump and so they started painting fish on the storm drains to remind people that fish were down stream from where they littered. It helped and San Diego is a pretty clean town now.

    I live in a dump town myself here. People see other people do it and seem to think it is fine and i see litter on the beach and i guess they.. ADULTS think that is cool that trash goes into the ocean for the sea life to have to tolerate.

    I would say keep wreaking havok by any means necessary and i would start by buying a bigger can and making a spectacle that way. YOu could also start putting fake monopoly type money in the trash bin they are throwing the recyclables into. I mean every time you see c**p in there throw fake money in there but don't say a word.  If someone happens to ask what the "money" is doing in there you can let them know you have been wondering the same thing when they throw away "trash" that can be recycled and used turned into profit.


  13. Wait by the recycling bin and physically challenge anyone who uses the trash.

    Don't worry if you aren't the biggest person in the office, no one wants to get into a fight over a pizza box.

    Good luck!

  14. Move the trash can far away so people have to make an effort to bring their garbage their. Leave the blue bin in a convenient spot.

    Talk to your boss and tell them this is really important to you and see if they can help enforce recycling to make your workplace a little greener.

  15. put that same amount of garbage that would normally be going into a rotten landfill in their lawn and let rot and see if they'd rather have that



  16. Tape the most used packages in the office to a poster board and put it right above the recycle bin so they can actually see it and remember.  Most people dont know what they can recycle.

    Below the pictures of packages... put pictures of filled landfills.

  17. make a huge sign that says please put all cans, boxes.. ect. ect. ect. in this bin

  18. I'm not really sure?!

  19. Post A Sign on top of the Trash Bin or put the trash can further away people are lazy huh> but they just throw trash in the recycling bin LoL well. A sign should work

  20. Did it ever occur to you that they are free to do as they wish?  You should butt out and mind your own business.

  21. Dig every thing they throw in the trash bin out and put it in the blue one. After they see you doing this they will know your serious and just may start separating things for the blue box.

  22. If you feel so strongly about it just pay them to do it. Everyone has their values and their's are just not the same as yours.

  23. Make them keep all their trash with them for a week at their desk. Recycling stuff can go in the blue bin, but make them keep their trash. Hopefully they will realize how much extra waste you create when you don't recycle.

  24. That's a tough situation. =)

    Talk to the employer/boss about stricter recycling. The co-workers may not listen to you, but they'd definitely listen to the boss. Maybe there could be a "fund" of some kind... the manager could have workers recycle. Maybe it could be something like where you get 5 cents per pizza box, and the person who recycles the most gets the money. Same with pop cans. =)

    Just a suggestion, lol.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  25. HAHA probably like how you get kids to study these days pay them.

  26. I thought this was a free country.  Guess you disagree.

  27. Grab their attention... do something like tape a piece of paper to the trash can & draw a big arrow on it facing toward the recycling bin ="please recycle first"=>

  28. It is hard to make people want to do something they know they don't have to do, can't you talk to your boss and make it so whoever doesn't recycle gets fired? Joking.

  29. and they never will

  30. You have to reward the behaviour that you want repeated.

    Get a recycling program co-ordinator (you?) appointed.

    Go around tracking each department/area checking.

    Catch people doing the right thing & 'reward' them.

    See who can re-cycle the most for the month.

  31. put a money jar by the bucket, and when you catch someone not throwing trash in the right box they are suppose to make them donate a dollar to the jar soon after some paychecks they owe you they will start doing it right. Then donate the money to a good charitable cause.

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