
How do you get apopted?

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How do you get apopted?




  1. ok first of all ignor the first comment. i assume you mean adopted. you may want to add that. :)  anyway, you get adopted when your birth or biological parents decide that they cannot raise you they can call a adoption agency. and explain thier senerio to them usually lawyers and lots of difficult decisions are made but once your born if your adoption is finalized then your new parents may pick you up from the hospital and bring you home brand new, if not you will be put into foster care and socail services pick a new family for you and once the adoption is finalized your new parents bring you home and care for you and take care of you.

    this is a verry undetailed explination if your looking for a more detailed explination you could probably search the internet or if your planning to adopt in the near feauture then call an adoption agency in your area or call a socail worker in your area. good luck

  2. a pop ted?  Are you asking how ted gets Pop? Ted, how do you get this?

  3. Assuming you mean adopted?  At your age, most of the time foster care or child protective services has stepped in and taken a child away from a dangerous or abusive situation, where they are placed into foster care.  Then, people take courses and have home studies to make sure they should be good parents (to the best of the government's ability) so these people can adopt by going through a lot of paperwork, and going to court.

    In the event your parents decide to place you for adoption, either as a baby or an older child, they can either choose parents and sign paperwork for that to work, again going to court, or they can go to an agency where people match children to adults to try to find suitable parents.  The older a child is, the harder it is for them to get adopted.  Adoption is designed for orphans, whose parents have died, and in recent times, it seems many have used adoption to put their kids when they get tired of them, which is horrible.  Parents who are old enough to have s*x, should be responsible with it enough to know that babies come with the territory, and that if they aren't ready for kids, THEY NEED TO USE BIRTH CONTROL.  Neither abortion or adoption should be used to get rid of children, unless the mother's life is in danger (or the child's life is in danger with the mother).

  4. You can get adopted when your birth parents have surrendered or have had terminated their parental rights.  An adoption can be done through an agency, an attorney or through the state (as in the case of foster care).  The procedure for agency/attorney is pretty much the same, an adoptive family is chosen & the child is placed with the family.  With a foster child adoption, the child is placed in a foster home - sometimes the foster family adopts the child, sometimes the child is reunited with the birth family, sometimes the child is adopted by a relative & sometimes is adopted by another family altogether (maybe this other family saw the child on a waiting child list and requested the placement).

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