
How do you get around an airport?What do you have to do and where do you have to go in which order?

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I mean,where do I go first..leave the baggages ? get the ticket? security?




  1. Get to the airport two hours before your flight. Really. It is MUCH better to have an hour to wait than to arrive later and have a problem.

    Go to the airline counter and give the agent your ID, Frequent Flier number (if you have one), and flight info or ticket. Tell them how many bags you want to "check". You can request a window seat at check-in if you didn't already do so. The agent will put destination tags on your checked luggage and give you a Boarding Pass. They will then either take your checked bag(s) or tell you to carry it/them to the big x-ray machine.

    The "Gate" for your flight will be on the boarding pass (example E-17). Follow the signs toward your gate. Ask an airline or airport employee for directions if you are not sure.

    At some point you will have to go through security. There will be a stack of plastic bins - place your shoes, carryon bag, the clear plastic bag containing any liquids or gels, sweater/jacket, and anything metal (including cellphone) in the bin. Keep your ID and boarding pass in your hand. Follow the instructions of the security personnel - they will have you place the bin on the X-ray conveyer belt and you will walk through the metal detector. Once through you collect the bin and put everything back where it belongs.

    Then go to the gate. Check to make sure there has not been a gate change - most airports have TV-type monitors with the info. If not sure, ask an airline or airport employee.

    Try to wait near your gate. If you want to wander off, be back 30 minutes before your flight is scheduled to depart. Follow the instructions of the ground staff when boarding starts. Your seat number will be on your boarding pass; The numbers increase toward the back of the airplane and the letters go from left to right >> as you face the front of the plane << (Seat 1A is at the front on the left and seat 22 F would be towards the rear + probably on the right). .

    When the flight is almost over, the crew will instruct the passengers to put everything away and fasten seatbelts. Follow their instructions.

    Once the plane has landed it will taxi to the airport terminal. Stay in your seat with the seatbelt fastened until the crew tells you it is OK to exit the aircraft. It will be obvious when you can do so.

    Make sure you collect everything you brought with you. CHECK the pocket in back of the seat in front of you to make sure you aren't leaving something you put there.

    You may have to change planes somewhere.  If so, you will get a boarding pass for the connecting flight when you check-in at your home airport. Once off the plane just follow the signs to the gate for the next flight.  You may have to go through security again.  Your checked bags will be automatically transferred to the connecting flight by the airline.

    At your final destination, exit the aircraft and follow the signs to Baggage Claim once you are off the plane. Most airports have multiple baggage carousels (conveyer belts) and there is usually a sign or TV-type monitor that indicates which carousel your flight's bags will go on. Ask an airline or airport employee if you are not sure.

    Collect your bag(s) and exit the terminal (usually by going out the doors marked "Ground Transportation").

  2. first off, there are signs everywhere.  when in doubt, look up.  

    the first thing you need to do is find the terminal that your flight (airline) is in.  you'll go to the check-in desk (usually right near the front doors) there will be lots of people standing in lines.  if you're checking baggage, they can do that at check-in.  they will swab it for bomb materials and possibly open it.  they'll also weigh it.

    once all this takes place, they give you your boarding pass.  take this and your carry on luggage to the gate.  you should have your boarding pass and ID ready.  also, be prepared to take off your shoes & possibly your belt.  also you'll empty your pockets and send all your belongings through a metal detector.  they tell you when to walk through the metal detector and you meet your stuff on the other side.  if you're unlucky, or threatening, they'll pull you aside and pat you down or swipe your body with another metal detector.  after that, just go in and have a seat.  pay attention to the intercom, they give you updates on your flight (delays, etc)

  3. Every airport has its own lay-out map - you can type the name of the airport on any search engine and get the map. Some maps also include restaurants, shops, custom areas....

    Have fun!

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