
How do you get away from peer pressure?

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Okay let's say your best friend is trying to make you smoke or do drugs.... How do you make him stop or get away without losing that friend or do you really have to stop being friends with him 'cause that's what they all say.




  1. This is a very useful strength to develop, to firmly and without anger, say NO.

    It is better to lose a drug using friend that to do them to keep him.

    Find other friends.

  2. well if they really are your friends they will respect you if you say your not interested and leave it at that do i know ...90% of my mates during hsc smoked ,enjoyed pot and drank bourbon ...i am a non smoker ,never tried pot and hate bourbon [and only drank 2 drinks max -vodka- at parties]....none of my friends ever tried to make me do anything and they all still did what they wanted cos i cast no judgement on what they did ...we were young experimenting was optional and we were real mates as you see if they are true friends they'll at  least respect you or they'll badger you endlessly if they pile on pressure its upto you whether they will be your friends or not ....sadly .....i hope it doesnt come to that and goodluck :)

  3. 1. Tell them you're allergic (diagnosed by your doctor).

    2. Say I have alot to learn yet and I don't want to lose brain cells too prematurely (lol, add a little humour to it).

    3. Say you're coach forbids you from doing it/You have a game coming up (if you do sports).

    4. Say: "I like what I like, you like what you like" or "Do you see me putting pressure on you to do something that you don't wanna do?" or "hey man, that's not my scene" or "hopefully you'll quite yourself, it ain't for ya".

    5. Don't be judgemental towards them, just say "nah i'm cool" and if none of that works and they don't want your advice or help then just gradually lose contact with them and then they'll start leaving you alone .

    Hope that helps :)  

  4. I say NO!  You must first assert yourself as an individual and while you may consider the opinions of others maintain your own self image(worth).  I know that once you go ahead and break the traditional role of being a sheep you may feel lonely but that dissipates with time; enjoy life be you own person.  

  5. He will ultimately decide whether or not you two remain friends.  If, in his mind, a condition of the friendship is that you have to engage in the same senseless behavior he does, then frankly he isn't a friend worth having.

    I have seen this before and more often than not, it doesn't cost you the friendship, but he may just go hang with others more who are into the same things that he is.  But if you respectfully state how you feel about it it him, emphasize that you are NOT judging him, but really don't want to do it, chances are this will be okay.

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