
How do you get away with murder ? ?

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How do you get away with murder ? ?




  1. you never get away with it God will get you in the end.......that who i would be scared of the most

  2. ill advice you

    take the body to a cliff

    hide it well

    or on a desert

    and be like it never happend

    act neutral


    contract someone to kill

    and then testefy against him

    and you will be off the hook

  3. I wouldn't know, I never tried it.

  4. if you murdered someone... you should be ashamed of yourself!

  5. Join the Army

    Other then that if you kill someone they will catch you with the forensics they have now.


  6. Kill yourself? Then you for sure won't get in trouble.  

  7. Well I'm hoping you're looking for more reaction than valid advice....

    But I'm thinking no blood, no ties, let someone else do the dirty work and, definitely think (A LOT) before you leap, or in this case, destroy.

    Though I really wouldn't reccomend it! ;)

  8. Be mentally damaged enough to be considered amoral, or be 10-12

  9. You. dont. you will. almost 100% get caught at some point....why would you want to kill someone

  10. join the army

  11. Potassium chloride shot behind the ear.  

  12. Get rid of all evidence and your ties to the scene of the crime would be a good start.  

  13. We get away with murder every day.....just ignore the hungry, the poor and the helpless, same thing only socially accepted.  

  14. You dont.Your sins catch up to you sooner or later.

    What goes around comes around.If you cause death you will experience death.

    The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine

  15. join the police force...

  16. Well first off you don't advertise that you are trying to get away with murder on the internet. Secondly become a politician, then you can get away with mass murder just like George bush and his cronies.

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