
How do you get bad smells out of clothes?

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Is there a great way to get bad smells out of clothes i.e. body odor, smell of smoke, just nasty smells in general.




  1. Try Febreze odor eliminator for laundry  it is in with the laundry soaps an it is in a dark blue bottle.

  2. Did you try clorax or clorax II and a fabric softner?

  3. Smoke can be eliminated by letting your clothes hang in direct sunshine.  The smell disappears like magic.  Any other smell, body order, cooking smells, stale perfume needs good old soap, water and softener.

  4. wash them.................................

  5. Fill washer with water and then soak in a mixture of baking soda & vinegar - half a cup each and then wash as usual with detergent.

  6. Use the hottest water setting that your clothes can handle, throw in the detergent (and maybe a bit extra), then throw in about 1/2 cup of baking soda.  The baking soda acts as natural cleanser and deodorizer. Just make sure that you use enough hot water so that your clothes don't have the baking soda left on them afterwards.

    For liquid fabric softener, you can use your usual stuff or add in vinegar.  Like baking soda, it's natural cleanser, is a good de-greaser, and order neutralizer.  The smell fades as the clothes dry.  If possible, hang up your clothes outside to dry.  If that's not an option, then toss them into the dryer with scented dryer sheet.  

    Hope this helps.

  7. Try washing them in some dawn dish soap.

  8. I used to have an elderly cat who started having trouble wetting outside his litter box.  He would wet his kitty bed all the time.  I had to find something for the laundry that would get rid of that smell.  Someone here recommended SportWash by SnoKing. It's a laundry detergent sold in the sporting goods section of WalMart.  It's made for hunters and is intended to remove all human scent from their clothing so the animals won't smell them in the woods.  It works GREAT.  Costs about $5/bottle.

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