
How do you get better at Db for football

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I got speed and good hands. But i want to be a good cb or safty for my fball team. Can you give me tips on how to cover a wr. Or how to get better as a db. Thank you!!!




  1. I'll send you my highlight tape.

  2. If you have speed and hands you wont have to worry so much about covering the recievers aside from instinct, besides they dont throw the ball much until college. What you need to work on if you want to stand out is losing your fear and becoming a monster tackler. Someone who can run up and make a good solid tackle on a HB and not get trucked since DB's are typically smaller.  

  3. Play the WR not the QB that was my biggest habbit I would get caught peeking in the backfield also look for a tendency the WR has to either indicate his route or if its run or pass however great WRs wont or have very few. Use your instincts too it helps. Good Luck

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