
How do you get better at passing/digging/reading?

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I have been playing volleyball for two years now(im a sophmore) I couldn't play for 10 weeks due to my bad grades (which were caused by problems at home..) Now that most of the season is over, almost everyone has gotten better then me. I used to be the JV starting libero but know i shank many hits and my footwork is slow. I need help plz!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get good (or at least decent) again. Plzz help with advice. Any will do plz and thank you in advance




  1. i know how you feel. i sprained my ankle and i couldnt paly for two weeks. that killed me. but if you want to get better, go to camps and practice hiting the ball at the wall, hard, and make sure your feet are planted, right foot first (if your right handed), then bump it up... get your friends or family members involved. when you dig make sure you are squared up with the net and kno where you want the ball to go. LAstly, reading the ball and the players you need to know where the opposing teamate is going to hit it to...most people will choose one spot and hit it there the whole there foot work...if its going to be hit light they will take a few steps up and to a less of a swing with there arm. but if its coming hard they will get agressive looks in there eyes and there transision will be perfect...

    hope this helps!

  2. for passing, really focus on sticking your platform and not swinging your arms. you can either face your target, or angle your arms when you pass, either way works. if it is a float serve, take the serve with your hands, and jump serves with your arms. don't worry about shanking a pass, just worry about getting to the ball.

    for digging, you have to read the hitter. watch the hitters hitting shoulder, that usually tells you where he is going to hit the ball. get under the ball and try to take it with your platform. if it is high, take it with your hands, and just try to get the ball up, but when taking the ball with your platform, try to get it to the setters spot. don't be afraid to dive. never be moving while the hitter is hitting the ball, they will just hit it where you where, and if the hitter's arm is straight up, it is a tip, but if it is dropped to his shoulder, it is a roll shot. on a tip, crash to right behind the block.

    good luck

  3. Purchase a very cheap practice volleyball - this can be used against any outside wall and surface etc.  You can only practice by yourself - your spiking/serve and setting technique -- but with friends or just someone else, you can do the full dig, set and spiking at each other --- this will get your ball handling skills up to a decent standard.  The only difference between the better players, is usually who has had the more practice and game experience.

    Practicing your weak skills will of course raise your standard - if you can work out what you are doing wrong (either the technique is not working - look at your technique - or that you're too late, or too slow...).  Practice enables you to work out what is wrong, and then to adjust it, so that you are doing better.

    If you practice regularly (especially with volleyball friends) you will upskill in no time... Over holidays you can improve a lot, by spending more of your spare time - practising or playing volleyball somewhere...  Do basketball players who have a hoop at home - are they better than those who don't have one, to practice with?

  4. I also play volley ball and we are like the best team in the provience because we won provincials so yah... you just need to practice lots and don't let anything get to your head be ready for when to ball goes over and stay on your toes...for my footwork i used to think of something that goes with left --right---left and then say it as I would go and approach and we still set and bump a ball in one spot everyday for 30 min to be perfect at it I also practice my approach and I think that you should practice and you'll do fine

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