
How do you get big b***s when you are 11?

by Guest60160  |  earlier

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just wondering?




  1. derr... you grow faster than other girls. I know I do.


  2. you wait

    damnit kids grow up too FAST these days


    and d**n all you future whores

  3. girl u nuts your only 11!!! im 11 to and i certainly dont want those!

  4. Stuff

  5. You don't.  You wait until your body grows them naturally.  Only genetics can determine breast size.

    And to all the women out there: PLEASE be happy with the size you are naturally!!!!  

  6. your dna

  7. i am 11 and i wear a training bra it help b***s go bigger

  8. I have to say I am shocked anyone under 15 is thinking b***s.

    I would SMACK my daughter, police charges or not, if she was trying to front b***s at that age.  

    The LAST thing you need is a kid and if you aren't doing it to get laid then you're just fuggin cruel.  Don't advertise s*x or be s**y (which b***s ARE) if you have no intentions of following through.

    God help your parents if you are planning on practicing s*x of any kind...

    IF you must only do oral. please...

    God 11....

    that's horrendous.

    but to get big b***s you can only surgically implant, stuff a bra with kleenex or be born with them... that's about it.

    EVERYTHING else like pills, is a scam and DO NOT take anything without a perscription. If it's not perscription then it's not endorsed by the FDA. DONT TAKE IT.

    Hope this helps.

  9. uhhhmm u dont! They will come in. Don't try to be older than u really r

  10. y would u want b***s when u r 11. when u get a bit older u will get them. . .u just have to wait. . .so enjoy not having them cuz when u get them they will never go away.  

  11. there is nothing you can do!!! trust me i tried you just hav to wait im in 7th grade and a 32A but my b***s did grow over the summer just give it time

  12. ha ha, well, i am 11 too, and i just have, well, like im not totally flat, but i don't have b***s. ANYWAYS! first of, you can get a paded bra, my friends might have teased me, so i only wear 1 padded bra and a soft passed bra which is thin. Don't put in tissue paper or any fillings cause it will be a night mare...and stupid. I know people who do it, trust me it is not pretty. anyways, the padded bra is definatly the best. But hey, we are built differently, and its true, i think guys pay more attention to me when i have on my padded bra...but like im the most popular girl in my grade anyways, so who gives a whoot?!? hope i helped, love, MaRySiA**

  13. boob exercises,im 13 and I've NEVER seen an 11 year old with titiies

  14. You shouldn't want big b***s! You should get them when you are older so wait!

  15. you're only 11....

    wait until you're at least in high school....

  16. lol this is funny. go to school and learn. y do u want big b***s. have u got a child to breast feed? do u have a man to please?? do not worry about b***s.

  17. unless you are one of those types that develops really fast...u hav 2 wait till ur at least 13

  18. why would you want to get big b***s when your 11? for most 11 yr olds it's pretty embarrasing, people only start worrying about their size when they are like 15 or 16. don't worry about it now, be happy with who you are right now, since you still have a ton of growing to do. don't worry you def. still have time. =)

  19. tissues lol

  20. Go to a doctor, and find one who's willing to do breast enhancement for an 11 year old.

  21. Why would you want them anyway? You should know that everything starts with puberty. And thats a pain in the you know what.

  22. You shouldnt be thinking about that.

    Stick to your A,B,C's.

    p.s You cant make your b***s grow.

  23. you don't? Your only 11!!!

  24. That's when you start,hun.

    Don't count on it.


    PS: Gross. Imagine such a petite figure.. so out of proportion?

    It'll take a while.

  25. stuff your bra

  26. Ok, if you are a 7yr old child with big b*****s what would you think?

    It's no different that you're and 11yr old child who wants big b*****s - you're still a little child and you don't have b*****s because you don't have a baby to breastfeed.

  27. I don't think this question is appropriate for your age. You're only 11.

  28. u dont

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