
How do you get cable in another room?

by Guest61223  |  earlier

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I have comcast cable in the living room, but I want it in my room too with another tv.

Is there a way I can do it with a wire or something, or would I have to have it set up by the company?

Is there a way to do it like against the 'rules' if there is any rules?




  1. use a splitter and run your own cable to other room

  2. Comcast is utilizing strictly digital cable, so a digital cable descambler box is necessary for each television to receive the full service.

    Contact Comcast and they should supply you with however many additional descramblers you require (I have four in my house)

  3. Just Plug TV in to that gold cylinder that sticks out of the wall and it should work but if not then company

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