
How do you get cloudy pool water clear?

by  |  earlier

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We have treated the pool with algeacide, chlorine and shock as directed. We have had lots of rain so I decided to scrub the pool and vacuum it now it's cloudy..what do I do?




  1. go to walmart and buy some water claifier pour in by walking around the pool save some to pour in skimmer near pump then wait 24 hours then vacuum pool and backwash filter pool company owner eleven years experince it you have any more questions email me at

  2. trust me you do not need Clarifier our pool was like this last week all it needs is it swept and the walls clean to make sure all the alge is gone if that is all done all you got to do is make sure the ph and chlorine and spot on it will clean in a few days this is what our pool looks like after a couple days of treatment of chlorine and ph

  3. when i have this problem.. typically the pH is not balanced... so .. check your pH...

  4. Clarifier will do the trick. It causes the fine particles to clump. You will need to clean your filter after you vacuum the pool again.  

  5. It seems like you are well on your way to a nice clean pool. All you are missing is a clarifier. I know that is a good clarifier for a very cheap price.

  6. I wouldn't put anything in it. All them chemicals at once will make your pool cloudy. If it's a green cloudy then it's algae. But if it's a white cloudy i wouldn't worry about it. Just run the filter like crazy and it should clear up. There is this stuff you can buy that is called stop algae. It works really good especially when you get a lot of rain. Good luck

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